Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Being 40 feet in the air on a swaying lift makes a guy think

I want to get married. I want to get married so bad sometimes that I can almost taste it. It's a fruity taste with just a hint of mint to make things go down smooth. But today I came to a realisation - that cannot be my goal.
You see, for much of my life I have basically found myself unable to make any sort of definite plan for the future because I was essentially waiting for marriage so that I could go on to life from there. I guess I felt like I wasn't really living life until then. I could probably go on for hours about reasons for that, but for now suffice it to say that any time I thought of the future, getting married was the real catalyst for any significant plans.

And then, out of nowhere, I realised that such a thought left me spinning my tires. And while spinning tires can be fun - doing a big smoky burnout is always cool - it ultimately means I am not going anywhere. Truthfully, I have known that for a long time, but this is different. I think that with everything that has happened in my life in the past year I have been lead to a place where the truth of the realisation to finally penetrate my thick skull, through my brain and all the way to the heart.
Marriage is great, but it cannot be the goal in and of itself, at least not for me. It takes my focus away from my passions and my dreams. It leaves me seeking love and completion in marriage and only in marriage. It is as though I cannot be a complete person unless I am married. The problem with that line of thinking is that if I am not a complete person outside of marriage, then I will not be a complete person inside of marriage. Marriage will enrich and change that fullness, but it will not make it happen.
So now...I have no idea what to do. Part of me wishes that everything was suddenly clear, that my entire life was now laid out for me, but that is not the case. For now, I am just happy that I have removed something that was blocking me from even contemplating the path. I have already had some ideas pop into my mind that I had never allowed myself to consider before, and that is exciting. I guess I will have to see where it all leads.
But in the meantime I should get some sleep. I work tomorrow.


At 11:12 a.m., Blogger something witty said...

quit your jobs, buy another car, have a pizza and ponder this... How do they get the caramel inside a caramilk bar?

At 7:54 p.m., Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

they only tell you it is caramel...what it really is is chocolate poop...


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