Friday, June 26, 2009

I Can Be As Cranky As Scott When I Want To Be

Sometimes I get tired of 'blonde jokes', and 'ethnic jokes' and the such. Most of those types of jokes would be just as funny if it was about 'a person' instead of a specific ethnicity or group. That's not to say they are terribly funny to start with, usually worth a grin or a small laugh if it has not been heard before. Changing 'blonde' to 'person' is usually fine...that being said, if done ironically or self-referentially or with an obvious attempt a broad, lame humour (where the lameness of the joke is the joke), then I don't mind gender related jokes, but even then, it has to be done right...Michael Jackson has died, and I find that it hasn't affected me beyond rolling my eyes at how many people are so deeply pained by this person's death - a person whom they have never is sad that he died so young, but truthfully, much of his life has been sad for a long time...just a further testament to the detriment fame can have on people...especially when they become famous so young...sometimes I wonder if he ever had a real friend in his life...and the obsession with celebrity is getting worse...if Perez Hilton can become famous enough to be at big awards shows because he blogs about celebrities then I say that celebrity watching is getting out of is such a nasty world of rumours and smack talk that I don't know how anyone can survive in that world...I have huge respect for those who can avoid controversy and remain faithful to their partner...the number of people on that list is depressingly small...Johnny Depp seems to be pretty good at not being dragged through the mud...Bono too, though many people have been finding him rather smug and self-important lately...(at least he's trying to help instead of spending his time getting drunk and boozing it up with young girls)...I do find it interesting that the obsession with celebrity is not a recent long as there have been movies, there have been obsessed fans who needed to know everything about them...and there have been people who have been unable to handle the pressures put on them...that doesn't make it right, though...and I do think it is getting worse...I didn't have anything in specific that I wanted to share on my last post, it just felt like I did...I think I was just tired...Transformers 2 was pretty good, though they tried to have too many funny moments...that seems to be a common theme in action sequels...everyone likes the moments of levity in action movies and movies can get too intense without them, but too many and it ruins the mood...Jar Jar Binks sucked...I don't like Twitter either...I'm doing an online/correspondence writing course right now and I got my first assignment back on Wednesday...I couldn't make myself open it and read the comments until this afternoon...I was convinced that the teacher would hate it...this is what I go through every time I think of writing something...and this is what I go through everytime I show someone my writing...luckily, the teacher liked it, though she did have a few that was cool...I think 'everytime' should be one word, but it seems it is two...curse you, English language, you'll accept 'grrl', but not 'everytime'..."If you had all the gold ever mined in the history of man, you could build a little more than half of Devastator"...most random movie fact I have ever heard...I'm finally reading the Harry Potter books...haven't had a decent night's sleep since I started reading them...they're pretty good...I'm on the fifth one...Harry gets falsely accused of something in the fifth book and I found myself getting angry at the injustice of it all...kudos, Ms. Rowling, kudos...I know I'm a day or two late, but I updated Grasp the Nettle today...and I'm out!


At 5:23 a.m., Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

What I find to be most interesting (irritating) with the celebrity-craze is that people are never satisified. For example, if you go around boozing and sleeping around, you're all over the magazine covers, but then if you try and do something good (i.e., Bono), you're considered smug.

I'm glad I don't work in a grocery store anymore with all those celebrity magazines. (There's enough drama in an office of engineers if you'd believe it).


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