Monday, June 29, 2009

It Tickled Me

I was sitting in church on Sunday and I noticed someone sitting a few rows up who looked awfully familiar, but as that person was living elsewhere, I knew it could not be him. But it kept bugging me every time I saw him. Later in the service I moved to the very back of the gym for audio reasons. When the service was over and everyone was walking about, I saw this person again and I found myself staring because he really looked like someone that he could not be. He noticed me staring and...
It turns out, one of the RAs I worked with in Germany happened to be in Calgary for the wedding of someone who attends my church. Now let me tell you how weird it was to see him there. First of all, the school year barely ended, so he has been back in North America for less than two weeks. Second of all, he is not from Calgary. Third, he is not from Canada. He is from the state of Washington. Fourth, my church has five services every week over three different sites, so even knowing someone from my church does not guarantee I would see him if he visited. And yet here he was. It was a moment of sureality.
We didn't have much time to chat and couldn't spend any more time together, but it was still good to see him. The weirdest part, I think, was when he introduced me to people that attend my church. He's not even from the same country and he introduces me to people I worship with every week. God enjoyed setting this one up, I'm sure.


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