Saturday, November 05, 2005

Not quite perfect...Needs more ducks.

There is something interesting I've noticed about people. At least, I think it's something interesting about people. It's something interesting, anyway. Recently, I watched the movie The Blues Brothers (more on that in a bit), and I went online to check out what other people had to say. I read a review that was very favourable. And by favourable, I mean that the person said that this movie was the best movie that had ever been made, and that he/she loved it. If you read the review and believed it, then this would be the last movie that you would ever want to watch in your life because it was all downhill afterwards. And then he gave it a rating: 3.5/4. Which makes me wonder, what exactly would it take for a movie to be a four out of four? Would Jesus Himself have to make an appearance? Maybe the Pope and Mother Theresa doing a quick soft-shoe number, followed by a stirring monologue by Moses himself. Seriously. Shouldn't the best movie ever receive the best rating possible? I suppose they're just leaving some wiggle room. Because only one movie can obtain that perfect rating. Only one.
Anyhoo, as I was saying, I saw The Blues Brothers, and I have to say that it is really unfortunate that I have not seen this movie before. Frankly, I was laughing out loud regularly. It was interesting to see how different movies are nowadays, because there were many scenes where I was expecting something to happen that didn't happen, and (I assume that) it is because this move was made 25 years ago. That being said, I think there was a subtlety in some of the humour that would simply be missed these days. But that's just my opinion. Also, Dan Akroyd looks really odd because he is so young and thinner than he is these days. I give it a 8.98789897889678978976896788967888908667/9.23264323563


At 10:40 p.m., Blogger something witty said...

you just gotta go see blues brothers 2000
it is the best movie in the world it is perfect in every way! it can not be falted in any way ! I give it 3 out of 4!


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