Thursday, July 09, 2009

I'm Feeling Reflective (You'll get it in a second)

Today, while I was watching Ellen...that is to say, while I was working, I heard an interesting tidbit about Kiefer Sutherland: apparently he only has one mirror in his house, located in the bathroom. That's not interesting to me, but everyone on the show seemed shocked. He was questioned extensively about it, though I did not have a chance to hear much of it due to some pesky customers that wanted service for some reason.
I have been pondering this revelation and I'm baffled at the shock and awe it produced. I only have one mirror in my place, and I can't imagine needing more. I know it is common to have one in the bedroom and I can see the value in that, but not so much so that it would be weird to not have it. Anytime I absolutely need the mirror, I'm either already in the bathroom (shaving, for example) or just steps away from the bathroom, so having one in my room isn't necessary. And I can't think of a reason to have one in a room besides a bedroom or bathroom except for decoration, and not having a decorative mirror shouldn't be a shock to anyone.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm living my life in a very unusual manner, or I'm closer to normal than I realise, but I never hear about the norm because the norm isn't newsworthy.
To end on an amusing note - when I lived in Germany, I was living in a dorm room with an attached bathroom, and I had three mirrors including the bathroom mirror. At least three mirrors, it may have been four. I can't remember if there was one on the back of the door. But in my defence, they were all there when I arrived, so it's not like I planned it that way.


At 7:19 a.m., Blogger something witty said...

Sometimes I wonder if I'm living my life in a very unusual manner

no, just don't have a wife and kids. they come with mirrors.

At 8:46 a.m., Blogger Monty P said...

I have two mirrors in my house, but only because I have two bathrooms. Actually, we do have a third, but it's buried in a closet and virtually never gets pulled out. So I'd say you're pretty normal - at least, as far as mirrors go! :D

At 2:45 p.m., Blogger jSharky said...

I'd say it's the usual thing to have only one mirror - though one in the bedroom isn't a stretch, especially if you own a dresser that has one (which Kristine did, but the mirror broke during the move from Calgary to BC).


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