Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I watched the movie 2012 over the weekend. It had its problems, but it was all right. You know what to expect when you go in, and it doesn't exceed those expectations, but it mostly meets them. I did wonder about the scene where they are flying and the magnetic poles suddenly shifted (the south pole was now somewhere in Wisconsin). It seems to me that such an event would cause problems in a plane, but I could be wrong. I don't know much about how magnetism works or how it would affect a plane.
So I went to the 'goofs' section of's 2012 page to see if anyone had mentioned that. There was nothing about the magnetic poles, but there were some good points and plot holes raised. But there were some so-called goofs that I found to be somewhat ridiculous.
I don't know why this bothers me so much.

They take a plane called an Antonov and want to fly from Las Vegas to somewhere in China. Someone said: "There was no need to make a fuel stop all - the flight range of the Antonov AN-225 Russian aircraft is 15400 kilometers, which is way more then enough to reach China." That is assuming the plane was filled to capacity with fuel. But it was transporting cars to and from car shows. It may not have been going further than Hawaii, so it would not have necessarily been filled all the way. Plus there was a great deal of chaos surrounding the events preceding take off (California mostly disappears into the ocean somewhere around here), so even if they wanted to fill it up all the way, it may not have been possible right then. The fact that it didn't have enough gas to fill up the tanks is not a mistake, but instead shows how things weren't normal or running smoothly.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's term as Governor of California ends in January, 2011. Apparently this person thinks that people can't get reelected.

And this is the one that irritated me the most: Russians are Orthodox Christians, not Catholics - they don't cross themselves from left to right as Catholics do, they do it from right to left. Dear Russia: Please stop letting your citizens convert to Catholicism. It is confusing this poor person. Sincerely, someone who realises that no matter where a person lives, he can pick what religion he wants to. Well, I guess some places that is less true than others. But I don't think Russia is one of them, not any more.

I really don't know why I got so irked when I read those, but it just bothers me when people get overly nit-picky with the movies. It is like they want the movie to conform to their logic and experience, and if it doesn't, that means the movie is wrong. It just kinda bugs me.

Anyway, I will be updating my Grasp the Nettle stories again soon. I just took a bit of a break because I was busy. I'm still busy, but I think I am getting my timing figured out again.


At 1:43 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should stop being so busy.

or else become even more busy because then you will eventually get overwhelmed and most likely crash, resulting in being less busy.

that's my advice.

At 1:09 p.m., Blogger Monty P said...

Please tell me you wrote the "Dear Russia" comment on the web site.


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