Thursday, April 14, 2005

Even my brain hurts....mmmm...cake

Well, today, I came to a decision. I currently only have a job, not a career. This isn't terribly surprising, but I was at work and I just realised that I will only last so long in the restaurant industry before I completely lose all feeling in myself. It will probably be a year or two more, but I can't see it being much longer than that. There wasn't even anything in particular that happened, but I just could feel the weight of nothingness starting to bend my back. I guess that means the next couple years are pretty important. I need to figure out what exactly it is that I am going to do with my life. Or I need to at least have something happen that will show me where to concentrate my energies.
But while I was thinking about this, I was looking at other people in my life and I realised that there was something there that I wanted. Peter has settled down, as the saying goes. He has a wife, a kid, and is starting a career. He still has to finish school, but once he is done that, he will work in any church that he wants, or that God wants him, to be more technically correct. I'm done school and I still don't know where I'm going in life.
Chris is done school and doing a job that he loves, even despite the hardships that go with pastoring a small-town church with limited attendance. He also has a wife and child and is settled down nicely.
Scott too has become a father, and he is currently in school for an engineering degree, something that I'm sure he is going to great as. Seems to be right up his alley.
Heck, even Jeff seems to have some idea about where his life is going. I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have a direction, and it's starting to wear on me. There is only so much that I can do at a restaurant, and I feel that I'm reaching the end of my time there.
Well, I guess that I will figure it out eventually. My first task is to write my abbreviations test again. Everyone has to re-write it this week, so I'm doing it tomorrow. If I fail I could get taken off the schedule until I can pass it, and I'm not feeling completely confident about my chances. As anyone who knows me can tell you, little details are a major struggle for me. I really have to concentrate to remember specific things. Random details about completely useless things seem to stick, but that's different than specific details. I am a big picture person. If I have a goal, then I can see what the finished result will look like, and I can see where I need to go, but how to actually take that information and fill in the little steps is completely baffling to me. Which means that writing out the nine ingredients that comes in our Classic Nachos (Corn Torts, Queso, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Sour Cream, Guacamole, Mashed Black Beans, Jalepenos, and Mixed Cheese)is tough, especially when they are similar, but not the same as our Nachos Grande (Chips, Queso, Chile, Mixed Cheese, Jalepenos, Chives, Sour Cream, Lettuce, and Pico de Gallo)(I only missed one ingredient that time...the Chives). So I write that on Friday between my morning and evening shifts. Could be a long day.
On a completely different note, I'd like to say that I really like the Talking Heads. If you don't know who they are, then let me tell you. They are a group from the eighties that did music that was a little...different. My favourite songs of theirs are "(Nothing But) Flowers" and "Wild Wild Life". They are a bit odd, which I guess is what attracts me, but they aren't just mindless musicians. For example, "Flowers" is a very ironic song. The words say how much he misses the modern conveniences ("Dairy Queens, Honky Tonks, and Seven Elevens") now that the world has returned to nature and they are all gone. Obviously, the exact opposite is happening as civilization continues to encroach on nature. So it's got a message. And it's just a catchy tune.
Maybe I'll explore this more later, but for now, I'll say "See y'all later".
See y'all later.


At 12:30 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think we could ever convince Chris to start a diolog with us on MSN?
Or is he too good for us?

At 6:29 p.m., Blogger Monty P said...

Do you even need to ask? By the way, Darrell, have you ever considered not just what you want to do, but what you need to do (for whatever reason)? You identify a lot with Spider Man. How often was he doing what he needed to do regardless of what he wanted. I think, actually, the more he did what he needed to, the more he wanted to do it? Beyond just what you're interested in, what compels you to act or want to act?

At 6:30 p.m., Blogger Monty P said...

Boy, did I mess up on the punctuation there! Take the period on the fourth sentence and switch it with the question mark on the fifth. And you thought you were geeky.


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