Thursday, September 08, 2005

Do the Care Bear Countdown (5..4..3..2..1!)

Well I learned something about being prepared yesterday. I shaved my head after youth last night, but before I did, I made sure that I had a broom handy. After I was done, I swept up the hair, and then I had to ask Darrell (who lives upstairs and is not me, though he shares my name) for a dustpan so that I could do something with the hair.
Oh, by the way, I shaved my hair yesterday. Yesterday being Wednesday for me, though that is probably at least two days ago for those reading this. Either way, I now have no hair. This is not terribly shocking for people who have known me for some time, as I had my head shaved constantly for most of high school and my first year of college, and sporadically for a few years after that. As for why, I really don't have a reason. I was taking a shower, and by the time I was done, I had decided to shave my head as long as I could find a broom, which I did. I cannot put my finger on the decision, though. I was simply decided at some point, and then I did it. Officially, though, the reason is that I sneezed extremely hard and blew the hair out.
One of my recent posts was the victim of two spam comments, so I turned on the word verification for my comments. Basically this means that there will be an extra step to leave a comment where you have to type in a word that appears on your screen. That prevents anonymous spam comments because the programs that make such comments are unmanned and so they can't enter the word, thus preventing their comments from being posted. If anyone else is interested in using this feature, simply go to your BLOG Settings and under the Comments section turn the Show word verification for comments? option to ON.
I was driving home from work today and discovered that talking to cops always makes me nervous, no matter how innocent of anything that I am. I found this out because I was stopped at a roadside check. They asked me if I had consumed any alcohol that night, to which I replied 'No'. Then he asked where I was going and I replied 'Safeway, and then home. I just got off work.' Then he told me to have a nice day and I left. That was it, and I was a little nervous the whole time. For absolutely no reason. It's like I'm paranoid that something bad is going to happen, or that they'll find any reason to take my licence away or take my car away. I'm not terribly worried about being arrested, but I don't want them to take my car!
Speaking of cops, there were some cops at our youth event on Wednesday evening. We were at Bowness Park, playing some games and having a barbecue. The police were riding by on their bikes and they stopped by one of our youth who was minding his own business. Then they took away his bracelet because it might be used as a weapon. It's one of those 'punk' ones, the black leather with the studs around it. I don't know if this was one with the short little stubby studs that are the size of buttons, or these were the short spikes because I haven't seen it, or at least I don't remember seeing it. But I do know that the guy they took it from is about as menacing as a mouse. He is a good guy and it is completely ridiculous that they would have to take away his bracelet because it might be a weapon. This very much looks like a case of them picking on him because he is a teenager. I'm someone who tends to give the benefit of the doubt, however, so I'm not going to say that they were picking on him because he was a youth, but I can't really see any other legitimate reason for taking it away. Especially when you consider the fact that the group just down the field from us was consuming alcohol and being very raucous and the cops just rode on by. I feel bad for our youth because he was minding his own business and this happened. He didn't deserve that.
I have new windsheild wipers and they work great. The old ones were almost as old, if not the same age, as Venessa (my car, which is from 1989). The only problem is that they are a little bit bigger than my old ones, and they get stuck on the edge of the hood. Actually, it's just one , the one on the driver's side, but it stops both of them. If I ever get a moment free, I will see about doing something about that. I'm not sure what because I have to take a closer look, but I will find out soon enough.
And now I'm done.


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