Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Busy Weekend

Had a good week this past seven days. Over the weekend I went camping up near Mannville (go to Edmonton and hook a right, it's about an hour and a half east) where my older brother lives. This year it was beautiful warm weather, unlike last year when it was raining the entire weekend we were out. It was nice to sleep in a dry tent. This camping trip is an annual event among a bunch of us, basically family. This year was myself, Chris, Scott, Jeff (my three brothers), and Peter (one of my best friends). We also tried to get Rob (Peter's brother-in-law, and also a good friend) to come along, but he had school and it just didn't work out, unfortunately. Basically, us guys went out camping while the wives (of those who have wives) spent time at Chris' house. It's almost like a family reunion. It's great getting to spend time together like this, a full weekend to just chill with those that I love. I got to see my nephews that I don't get to see very often and which are growing up entirely too fast. Jason (Scott's kid, born September last year) is almost walking now. Peter William (Peter's kid, born November last year) is crawling up a storm, as well as puking up a storm. Darrian (Chris' kid, born last January) is already pulling himself to his feet, and just chattering away like mad. Basically it was a good weekend, full of relaxation, golf, swimming, and sunburn (at least for me).
Around this weekend has been an entire week off. The last time I worked was Tuesday, August 23rd, and I don't work again until Wednesday, August 31 (tomorrow morning, as of the time I am writing this). I'm getting tired of my job, so some time away was nice. I have actually put in my resume to The Sign Guys. They deal with the signs for all of Home Depot across Canada, as well as other such stores and signs. If I get this job, then I can leave Chili's and go to a new job, which is a good thing. I really kinda hope I get this job, if for no other reason than the opportunity for travel that it presents. I have always wanted to travel, but unfortunately getting through school has saddled me with some debts that make it extremely tricky to do any sort of travelling. I'm just not able to afford the time away from work. However, if work and travel were combined, that would be just fine with me. And who knows, maybe someday I'll get over to Europe like I've always wanted to.
Also, I found out this weekend what my mark in my class was. I figured that if I passed the exam, a straight out 50%, then I would pass the class with a 67%, which was more marks than I needed. So my entire goal was to just pass the exam. And I did. I barely passed by a mere 41%, bringing my final mark to 84.25%. I was surprised and pleased, and relieved to finally be done. I've got Athabasca University (the place I was taking the class) to send my transcript to AUC (the place from which I'm graduated/graduating), and as soon as they have received it, I get my diploma. Yay.
Last of all, when I got back from camping, I had an email about a possible roommate. I met with him on Monday night, and by the end of the night I had a new roommate in place. He moves in on Sunday, which is when Jeff is moving out. That is a weight off of my shoulders.
You know, all in all, I think this weekend was probably the best weekend I've had in months, maybe even years. I think that God sent a plethora of goodness my way this weekend as a way of recharging me. I've been feeling a bit lethargic and down lately, but I'm much more energized now, more positive about life in general than I have been for a long time. Heck, today I did things that I had been putting off for a while now, and I'm not completely dreading work, though I still want that other job. Every once in a while, I'm blindsided by God's goodness. I think I tend to forget, but looking back on this weekend, I am reminded of all that is good in my life, and God's placement of the people and events around me. Sweet.
Well, I'm going to go now. Who knows what next week will look like, but whatever it is, I think I'm ready to handle it. Bring it ON!!

P.S. The pic is my nephew Darrian from a couple months ago. Isn't he a cutie?


At 9:58 a.m., Blogger Papa Scott said...

good to hear darrell

At 10:17 p.m., Blogger Monty P said...

Yeah. Hey, you've got more pictures of Darrian on your web site than I do on mine. Some would say that's my fault, but I think we should all blame Pete.


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