Thursday, August 18, 2005

Angels must be very naggy. They're always HARPing on things. (Sigh) Sorry about that.

I watched a movie today that I enjoyed, but I did it in a slightly different manner than I normally do. I came home and my brother started playing a movie that he had been watching earlier, so I sat down and watched the rest with him. Normally I don't watch movies unless I see the beginning (or know the beginning extremely well), but I decided that I wanted to this time. The movie, for the record, was The Big Hit, starring Mark Wahlberg. This is a movie that I enjoy, which is why I decided to continue watching it. After it was all over, I decided to watch the beginning, and I found it to be an interesting experience because I got to see the set ups for the payoffs that would come later. An important part of most movies/stories is foreshadowing. Watching the movie this way suddenly made the foreshadowing more obvious. It is almost a technical exercise, watching the end and then seeing how the beginning drives towards that end, and how to make it natural. This probably doesn't excite many other people, but I found it to be an interesting exercise, one that I will probably try again here and there. Seeing who the character is, and then watching to see how the character became that way, or how the audience was shown that the character was that way, is something that I find appealing.
As for the movie itself, it's a bit crude in places, but I really do find it to be an amusing tale. Mark Wahlberg is good at playing a genuinely nice guy who happens to be a contract killer. The scenes where he is falling in love with the woman were a bit creepy at first because both Jeff and I thought the girl was in high school, but it turns out she was in college, so that's not so creepy. And Mark Wahlberg was still pretty young at the time, so it's not bad at all. But I tell you, it was still kinda creepy.
Before I wrote this, I was writing a poem with the intention of posting it. And then it got to be a kind of creepy poem. I didn't finish it because I want to let it percolate a bit longer, to see where it's going, and to see if it is fit for public consumption.
That's it, that's all I got right now.


At 8:28 a.m., Blogger something witty said...

oh, its fit!

At 9:34 a.m., Blogger Papa Scott said...

I thought that she was in high school as well. Movie much better now.


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