Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I still like Phil Collins

February fifteenth. Another Valentine's Day has come and gone. And once again, my feelings on the matter are: meh. I honestly don't really care about Valentine's Day much, except that it is probably over commercialised. But what holiday isn't these days. My only complaint is with the radio. February fourteenth is the worst possible day to listen to the radio. Even Jack FM, the local "playing what we want" radio station was tending towards the slow love ballads. I didn't even bother trying the country radio station. I'm pretty sure they just played the sounds of people crying all day, or in the very least it was mostly the most mushy and slow songs they could find. That's not really what I want to listen to ever, so it's kind of irritating that there wasn't much in the way of options. Really, it wasn't too terrible. I kept switching through different radio stations and managed to avoid most of the tear jerkers. I would have listened to the talk radio, but all they want to talk about right now is the Muslims protesting the Danish political cartoons, and the fact that a Liberal guy accepted a job in the Conservative government. Oh, and there's a healthy smattering about Wayne Gretzky and his gambling problem (which consists of being married to someone who placed a bet on the superbowl, something that isn't even technically illegal - why they keep bugging him I'll never know)(that's a lie. It's because the media is composed largely of ratings-whores who will sell themselves out to get the most sensational story possible, even if the facts get left behind)(I LOVE the media....). I'm tired of hearing of those stories, so I preferred to take my chances with the music. It's not even the 'love songs' that bother, but the really slow, really bad ones, which is a large number of songs. But maybe that's just me.
It's late, I'm tired, and I just ate a tuna sandwich.


At 10:30 a.m., Blogger something witty said...

i have candys

At 8:16 p.m., Blogger Lorraine M said...

Never Never give up on Phil Collins - or ANY of those sappy musicians!!! I am crazy over them!!

Hey baldandproud said the same thing to me....



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