Thursday, June 08, 2006

These are fun from time to time...

1.So far who did you talk to the most today? I haven't even talke at all today.

2. What is the best name for a butler? Likely Alfred Pennyworth. Although Ducksworth is also good.

3. What is the thing you are picked on most about? Let's see. That would either be trying to run my head through the truck window (there's some sort of invisible barrier here...), or when I almost jumped over a railing that would have left me dropping a couple stories to the ground below.

4. What was your last weird encounter? Probably the waitress last night who randomly started telling us about how she was messing with her ex-boyfriend. That was kind of weird.

5. What’s the weirdest story of one of your scars? I have a scar on my pinky finger. I broke it when I was in grade ten and they decided that it needed a pin, so they cut it open to put a pin in. That's not the weird part. What's weird, and by weird I mostly mean gross, is that when they started cutting my finger open, I could feel it. It didn't really hurt because they had given me the local anesthetic, but I could definitely feel it. Also, they used a pin that was too long for my finger, so while it was in there I could feel the end of it pressing against my skin.

6. Do you remember the part from Bambi when Bambi learns to say bear? No. I remember him saying BirD!. But not bear. And I DIDN'T cry.

7.What color is your toothbrush? Toothbrush?

8. What is your middle name?Michele.

9. Can you eat well with chopsticks? Only food that I can stab!

10. What odd things creep you out? In movies when they have a big dramatic scene and someone dies and then someone else kisses them after they're dead. That is just so wrong it just creeps me out. I always want to shout "You're kissing a DEAD GUY!" It's worse when they die while they're kissing.

11. Have you ever felt an earthquake? Nah. I prefer living where the ground doesn't RANDOMLY MOVE ON ITS OWN.

12. What do you do with the hot grease when you’re done cooking bacon? Put it into an empty yogurt container.

13. How many good friends do you have? Four or five, somewhere in there.

14. What’s the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? Some people would say ice cream and salsa (it's not bad in small doses).

15. What color are your socks today? I only own white socks and black socks. And the black socks are for formal ocassions only. Or for when I am wearing shorts and sandals. Then I'd have black socks on, pulled up as far as they'd go. But today, white socks.

16. What is your favorite word that starts with the letter G? Glib or Goram.

17. Who do you blame for your mood today? lack of a job. I feel almost sad, but not quite, and that's the influence of a lack of a job. Also, a bit nervous, but that's because I have to call about getting a job, and I don't like using the phone.

18. If Ricky Martin had a trademark what would it be? Definitely the whole pelvic region.

19. What is something scientists need to invent? Wireless everything. Cables are the bane of my existence.

20. What is the closest object to your left foot? The floor. Actually, it's my white sock, and then the carpet.

21. Who is your favorite Golden Girl? Sophia.

22. Do you have an inside joke that has to do with numbers? Almost certainly (inches are numbers, right?)

23. What is the longest amount of hours you have slept in a row? Without waking up at all? Probably only 8 or so. Now, I've been in bed for upwards of sixteen hours, but I usually wake up a few times during the night no matter how tired I am. That being said, I also fall asleep again really easily.

24.What story do you tell most often? I don't know, but it probably involves Peter

25.How do ugly people make you feel? I have trouble seeing people as ugly, and when they are it's usually more of a personality thing, so those people make me mad.

26. Where was your mother’s hometown? Strasbourg, SK

27. Where was your father's hometown? Parry, SK

28. What are the posters on your walls? Spiderman, Simpsons, and seven penguin posters.

29. Say two words that rhyme. Okay.

30. Do you use online terms in real life? NEVER! I don't even use them when I'm texting. The exceptions are 'u' for 'you', sometimes 'brb' for 'be right back' and on occasion 'ttyl' for 'Talk To You Later'. I absolutely refuse to use LOL.

31. What do you think people think of you? That I'm an odd fellow, someone who just does what he wants and forget all y'all.

32. Do you think this year will be better than the last? Sure, why not. And if not, meh.

33. Who is the 1st person on your incoming call list and how do you know them? Have I mentioned that I'm not a big fan of phones?

34. Do you know who Salad Fingers Is? Yup. He's spooky. I like him.

35. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done? Tried to ram my head through the truck window. I'm sure I've done more stupid things, but not much is coming at the moment.

36. What is your favorite commercial of the moment? A powerade commercial that shows people doing different things and taking them very seriously. A couple guys are on the big wheels, those tricycles with the big wheels, and they have a drag race at a drag track, some women enter a boxing ring and proceed to see who can walk on their hands on treadmills the longest, and some people using a catapult to shoot others through some football goalposts. One guy, of course, gets sacked by the goalposts. It's pretty cool.

37. What does it take to make you cry? Other people being hurt. You can abuse me all you want, but if I'm crying it's because someone else is in pain and I can't do anything about it. Oh that makes me angry.

38. What are you looking forward to? The past.

39. Have you ever cried because you thought you were ugly? Sexy Greek Gods like myself never think they are ugly.

40. Who did you kiss today? My own reflection (I can't help it, I'm just so beautiful)

41. What do you like to do when you are alone? That's when I cry...

42. Who are your 2 favorite characters on Full House? Probably Kimmy and Uncle Jesse. Oh Uncle Jesse, your hair is so perfect.

43. What is missing from your life? A fabulous book deal

44. Would you be ashamed if you wore hippie clothes? I think the frumpy shapeless dresses make me look good.

45. Grab the closest book, what does the 7th sentence on thethird page say? "It is an experience I used to have frequently, but not so often in this season of my life, as I was turning fifty."

46. When was the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? I'm not going to say last night...

47. If it was your last day on earth what shoes would you wear? I'd probably try some high heels, just to see what the fuss is all about (seriously).

48. Do you own a Super Nintendo? Nope.

49. What do you think of Law and Order? Now that Roy Orbach is dead, what's the point of TV?

50. Can you name all 7 dwarfs? As long as there are no more questions, yes.

51. Who is the hottest drummer you know? Definitely Jeff C. Wow, what a hottie...

52. Have you ever pretended to be Jewish? Not all of me...

53. What was the last thing you thought you lost, but ended up finding it? My keys. It happens at some point every week. Usually they are in my pocket.

54. What were you doing at midnight last night? Probably reading comic strips.

55. If you had a ball of clay what would you mold it into? A minion.

56. What does your Milkshake bring to the yard? My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...I live a tortured life.

57. Do you have any famous relatives? Not yet, but Jeff is too pretty to stay undiscovered for long.

58. Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers? It has been so long since I had either. I prefer hamburgers.

59. Pirates or Indians: Pirates are so much cooler than Ghandi

60. Pulp OJ or No Pulp OJ? NO!

61. Drive or Ride Passenger: YES!

62. Regular Hot Dogs or Cheesy Hot Dogs: I'm sorry, I prefer real food.

63. Beach or Pool: Probably pool.

64. Renting a movie or Going to the theater: It's nice to see movies in the big screen, especially the big action movies. Those need a big screen to be appreciated. However, the really cheesy movies that I like, there's nothing better than throwing it in the DVD player at one in the morning and seeing horrible acting and bad special effects. Vive le 'B' movie!

65. Ever push all the buttons in an elevator? I wouldn't say yes, but yes.

66. Ever bake with an easy bake oven? I use a MAN'S OVEN. *grunt*

67. Ever gone to school when you didn’t remember you had the day off? Not in a million years.

68. Ever "Jungle Boogied"? I'm white. I don't dance.

69. Ever owned a Spirograph? Good times, good times.

70. Last TV show you watched? Firefly. The entire thing. Go watch it, it's AWESOME!! (Also, a couple episodes of Futurama. Go watch that also)

71. Last food you ate? A bowl of Mini-wheats. Mmm...nutrition.

72. Last thing you bought? The movie Serenity, a continuation of the Firefly TV show. Go out and watch it, it's AWESOME!!

73. Last thing someone bought you? A game of pool and a glass of ginger ale. Thanks Jeff!

74. Last thing you laughed at? Jeff completely scratching on the eight ball like four times...the easiest way to win at pool.

75. Last person that spent the night at your house? Me.

76. Last thing that gave you chills? Probably talking about some gross thing with happens often.

77. Last song you sang out loud? Houses in Motion by Talking Heads

78. Last time you ate ice cream? About a week ago

79. Who was the last person to text message you? Jeff. Also, the only person to text message me.


At 12:16 p.m., Blogger Corndog said...


Darrell, I concur with Ashleigh, you are interesting.

Ashleigh, this is how you post a link:

What you type is

(a href = "") Asheligh's blog (/a)

Except instead of using ( and ) brackets, use < and > brackets

And the result is:
Asheligh's blog

At 9:51 p.m., Blogger something witty said...

What story do you tell most often? I don't know, but it probably involves Peter
do any of my stories not involve Ulriksons?


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