Sunday, December 31, 2006

I don't know WHEN I am

People are lazy. You know what has led me to this conclusion? Well, a multitude of things, but one thing in specific this time. Since the nineties ended, there has been some difficulty in figuring out a way to abbreviate the year. In general, people seem to have accepted 'oh-six' as a reasonable abbreviation for '2006'. Another option is 'aught-six' (I like that and try to use it). That I don't really care too much about and I don't find it spectacular at all. What gets me is that even when people go to say the entire year without abbreviating it, they still abbreviate it. I have heard many people (including people on TV and the radio) say that this year is 'two-oh-six'. Not 'two hundred (and) six', and heaven forbid anyone say 'two thousand (and) six'. Nope, the non-abbreviated version of this year is '206'. Possibly BC, I'm not sure.
That being said, I have absolutely no problem with this, especially considering I use it myself quite often. I just think it is amusing.
Okay, you may leave now.


At 9:35 p.m., Blogger Stephen said...

I think we had a guest pastor that said 206 about 10 times during the service, a bunch of guys and i were laughing by the end

At 12:13 a.m., Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

I'm sad I won't see you tmrw, silly work schedule. ah well, I understand the necessity of working. You'll just have to come to Hamilton sometime and we'll have lettuce & slurpees. day.

At 6:35 p.m., Blogger jSharky said...

and being in school can run one's sense of time too...
just took me a couple seconds to realize it's wednesday...


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