Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Blogger is now in German

I have almost been avoiding writing this post for a couple days. It's not that I don't want people to know how I am doing or what is going on, it's just that I'm not sure I know how to describe my time here in a way that is even remotely interesting, or which makes any sense. I don't know how much detail is too much, but I don't want to be too brief and make people upset. This is just all so big that I found it easier to just ignore it. But I will just say what I can and then answer any questions you might have.
I arrived her last Monday (Aug 20) and promptly got myself lost at the airport, kind of. I flew into Basel, and because of where the airport is located, you either come out in France or in Switzerland. I guess it is right on the border. I realised that no one had told me which side I was being picked up from, so I guessed Switzerland and waited for about twenty mins before deciding I had guessed wrong. So I went to the other side without showing anyone a passport or even talking to anyone and was picked up and driven to the dorm.
The next few days were spent in meetings and in preparing the dorms. I practiced driving a standard transmission vehicle, which I hadn't really done before, and found that it isn't all that hard, though I do still need some more practice. I met all of the other people who work at the school and I even remember one or two of them. There are a fair number of Canadians working at the school, so there is always a bit of an immediate connection there.
The other RAs in my dorm are super nice and have been very helpful. There is Byron, a guy from Ottawa who has been here three years. Gabe and Becky are married and this is their second year as RAs at the dorm. Joni is from Texas, but she went to college in Vancouver, and she is also in her second year. The dorm parents are Mark and Cindy from Canada (he grew up in Saskatchewan and she in Penticton) and they lived on a chicken farm in Sask for 20 years before coming here three years ago. They have all been very helpful and put up with all of my questions and really shown me what I have to do and where everything is.
The kids arrived in the past couple of days and I can tell it is an interesting bunch. I don't really know them that well yet, but I am excited to do so in the upcoming months. I will let you know more about them later.
And that really takes us up to the present. I have to go because the flies in this office are driving me insane, and I have to get a snack out for the guys.


At 7:46 p.m., Blogger something witty said...

I'm young, I'm hep, and I have no actual concept of reality. On the other hand, maybe I'll just stay home.

ha, you left home!


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