Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I get it now

I have learned something about myself that is very useful to know: I do not instantly understand things. By that I mean, in general, the reason behind decisions and policies. That being said, I am usually quite good at coming up with possible/plausible explanations.
For example, today I went to get my German driver's license changed to an Alberta driver's license so I can insure my vehicle (which I don't yet have) here and all of that fun stuff. They told me that I have to get my driver's license (the German one) translated into english by an official translation service (yes, apparently there is such a thing). I shrugged and said okay, because it is a policy and me complaining about it wasn't going to change anything. But it seemed very silly and unreasonable to me.
But as I was walking home, I started to think about it, and it dawned on me that it was actually a pretty good idea. Because it is in German, they don't really have any way of knowing what it might say, and that would include not knowing if there are any restrictions or anything like that on it. And if I bring in my own translation, they have no way of knowing how accurate it is because I could just make up anything I wanted. So thus, the policy is in place.
It makes sense, but only after I had let the idea process for a bit. That happens to me quite often. I will hear something and have no idea why for a while until I can think it out. It is pretty common for me to ask someone else for a reason and as I am asking I realise the answer. It is like I cannot come up with an explanation until I say the problem out loud, almost like I have to argue with myself to get the point.
What I don't like is when I think something is dumb or wrong and I criticize it and as I do I understand the reasoning behind it and no longer think that it is dumb, but in face I agree with it. That is partly why I don't take strong positions on many things, especially at first. I try to be pretty forgiving until I have had time to process it and really think about it, or at least say it out loud.
Sometimes I wish more people would take more time to process things before they critiqued (or, more precisely, whined).


At 12:38 p.m., Blogger Papa Scott said...

I would tell you what I thought about your post but I have to think about it for awhile.

At 3:24 p.m., Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

Them's some wise words, Mr. U.


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