Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I'm not the first person to blog about this, and I won't be the last, but I am going to add my voice to this...travesty (?)...yeah, that's probably a good word.
Carleton University in Ottawa has decided to stop its cystic fibrosis charity drive because the disease is not "inclusive" enough. Read about it here. Or here. Or here. Or even here.
Apparently they were led to believe that CF affects only white people, and thus was not inclusive enough. My first question is, what disease is inclusive enough? Is prostate cancer too exlusive because it does not affect women? Is breast cancer to exclusive because it affects primarily women?
Second, what if the disease had only affected black people, or Asians? Would they have cancelled the fundraising then? I somehow have my doubts. This actually makes me a bit angry. I'm all for not excluding people, but there are limits, for criminy's sake.
Some of the people on the student council who made this decision claimed that it was largely because they had talked about rotating the charity for which they raised funds. That could be, but then why was the other issue mentioned at all? Sounds kind of fishy to me.
Due to the outcry, CTV is reporting that they have changed their minds and will support the CF charity after all.
Ridiculous...mutter mutter...PC garbage...grumble mutter...gah


At 9:12 p.m., Blogger Papa Scott said...

You are welcome!!!


At 5:32 p.m., Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

that's cuz you is too slow old man!


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