Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lock 'em up

The weather outside is frightful, that's for sure. It has been snowy and cold here for the past couple of weeks and things aren't looking to be any better any time soon. But growing up in Saskatchewan has given me the ability to at least tolerate miserable weather like that. As I often say: I'm used to it and can handle it, but that does not mean I like it.
Of course, with the snow comes bad driving conditions - every intersection is covered in ice and going anywhere takes longer because ya gotta drive slow or risk plowing through someone.
However, the icy conditions brings out one of my greatest driving pleasures. On the side streets that don't get plowed, the snow piles up and gets packed down until there is an inch or two thick layer above the asphalt. It is very easy to lock up the tires and skid if you're not careful. Or, if you're like me, if you just love doing it.
For some reason, I love slamming on the brakes on icy streets, intentionally locking up the tires and sliding along. I love feeling the moment the tires lock up and the car is just sliding. I look at the speedometer and even though it says we're going 0 km/h, the car is still moving. I only do it when no cars are around and at relatively slow speeds. But it gives me great pleasure to hit the brakes and skid. I don't know why.
Does that make me weird?


At 9:43 a.m., Blogger Monty P said...

Trust me, there is nothing weird about loving to skid. Death to ABS!

At 10:36 a.m., Blogger something witty said...

i have never loved you more!

At 3:06 p.m., Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

now that I drive a standard, I have to hit the clutch or else the car stalls. That's confused me a few times.


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