Tuesday, December 09, 2008

John Mayer ft. Jay-Z. It's coming, I can feel it!

Aging is hard for most people (myself included) to accept. No one wants to get older once they reach their early twenties. To be young forever, but no longer a teenager.
But I thought of a benefit to aging. There are many, I'm sure, and here is one. I grew up with 80s music (ah big hair bands, how we miss thee), and then into the nineties (ah boy bands...I just threw up a little in my mouth). What this means is that I am old enough to remember different eras in music - and I am old enough to realise that what is popular now will not be the mainstream popular thing forever.
Why is this a benefit? Because right now I am not particularly happy with the two biggest music trends of recent times, namely rap and "John Mayer" - the soft, sensitive, guitar playing singer/songwriter. I'm not saying that either are bad (okay, I am saying that about rap)(and about half of the Mayer-clones)(three-quarters), but I am saying that it is not my cup of tea. But because of my experience with Vanilla Ice and Europe (the band, not the continent)(though I enjoyed the continent) I know that some time from now I will have something else to complain about as the mainstream popular music that defines the children these days, who never call their parents enough, listen to their music to loud and never have any respect for their elders, consarnit!
How I long for the days when I will be senile and allowed to not wear pants because I 'forgot' (crazy Grandpa Darrell forgot to wear his pants agin).


At 3:44 p.m., Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

Great for a laugh. Let's just hope it's "Crazy Grandpa Darrell" and not "Crazy Uncle Darrell in the next couple years"...

At 9:36 a.m., Blogger something witty said...

i dont think you will ever "forget" pants


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