Saturday, March 21, 2009

Musically Inclined

When I was in high school, I remember being involved in a conversation about secular music vs christian music. Someone made the point that secular music can still have a grain of truth and another person wondered why anyone would want a grain of truth when they could have the whole thing in christian music.
I didn't say anything at the time, and I'm not even sure if I thought of any sort of answer to that question right then, but the question has been with me ever since, and that was over ten years ago. At some point a thought struck me - when someone trains to be a doctor, his first day of schooling does not involve performing open heart surgery at the local hospital. When babies are born they don't start eating steak and potatoes (unless they're Chuck Norris). Kindergarten is naps, snacks and sand boxes, not calculus, quantum physics and detailed analysis of King Lear. Sometimes, a kernel of truth is all that a person can handle, and all that a person is ready for. An oak tree comes from planting a tiny seed.
And along the way, another thought struck me. Christianity does not hold the exclusive rights to the truth. The truth is out there and it is possible for people to see it, and artists are especially adept at looking at the world and questioning it. When you question the world, sometimes the truth pops out, even when the questions don't necessary lead to God. I heard a song once about how women should respect themselves and how men need to start respecting women and not treating them like mere objects of fantasy and lust. Other songs by that band were extreme foul, crude, loud, angry and basically any other adjective for bad you can think of. Yet somehow they stumbled across this little piece of truth and put it out for the world to hear. It seemed odd, but that didn't make it any less true.


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