Sunday, April 12, 2009

Random Musings (as I watch TV)

There's an ad for Enterprise car rentals that has an elderly woman with her adult son 'discussing' the car they rented for her trip - she thinks Enterprise sounds expensive, and the fact that they are picking her up at her house definitely makes it seem very pricey. After being assured that Enterprise is not expensive, the mother then says "If it's not expensive, then why didn't you get me a bigger car?" I had only heard this ad and never watched it, but when I finally watched the end, the look on the son's face confirmed my thoughts - the son is hoping that the mother doesn't return from the trip. His internal answer to the above question is "because you are a terrible shrew of a woman and you make my life horrible"...the woman's hockey championship just ended and as the women were removing their helmets and celebrating, all of them were pulling out hair bands so they could tie back their hair. All of them did it, and I have no idea where they got them from (wore them on their wrists during the game?). Just one more way that the women's game is different from the men's...also, I never find myself thinking that the defencemen are pretty cute in the men's games...if we tell kids that they should play sports and have fun, and then lose our minds when our athletes don't do well in the Olympics, is that a mixed message?...I'm no economist, but I do truly believe that part of the reason that the economy has been hit as hard as it has is because of the neverending coverage of every little thing on TV and the internet. People don't understand the stock market and related things and when they hear things are bad they panic without really understanding why...that being said, the whole mortgage thing in the US really was a massive screw up and that part of the 'crisis' is understandable...the fact that I used the word 'crisis' shows the effect of the hyperbole that is reported - it is bad, but crisis is a bit extreme...these things go in cycles. It will pick up again...This may show my natural bias, but I like the new Ford ads and I despise the new Chev ads...I don't know if anyone has noticed, but Ford hasn't gone to the government for money like Chev and Dodge have...I also don't like Toyota's latest ad for some reason...I miss Vanessa...she was my Crown Victoria...ah, lost a white male from North America, sometimes I feel like my culture is universally looked down upon...and then I ask myself "what culture?" announcers are funny...I knew a guy named Clay Chestnut...I still think he should have been a country singer...I was watching a movie and one of the actors stumbled over his line: "This whole sh...this whole shelf looks suspect". It didn't sound like it was done on purpose, it sounded like he actually stumbled over his words, like people do all the time in the real world but almost never do in the made me happy to hear that...when you do your taxes, make sure you fill out all lines properly...I think films today are often edited too slickly - many older movies are somewhat slow in their editting, leaving spaces between sentences, little moments in the film of nothing that can do a great deal to affect the mood of the film, but many movies don't do that anymore, like they are afraid of silence...that's too bad...would you pronounce 'economically' with a long 'e' or a short 'e'...I think I'd choose the long 'e' most of the guy wearing an eighties style male tank top (the 'neckline' plunges to below the ribcage and it basically has no sides), tightish leatherish shorts and a fanny pack, and the other guy is wearing a pair of too short denim shorts and a white t-shirt that shows of his stomach...the eighties (and early nineties) were a dark, dark, dark, comically and nauseatingly dark time for fashion...that's why I never complain about the baggy clothes, because it way beats the alternative...and I'm out...


At 1:31 p.m., Blogger Papa Scott said...

You are so out that you are in!



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