Monday, April 18, 2005

Why do I do these things? If I could answer I would.

Do you want to know the definition of difficult? It's deciding to fast, and then spending the next two days working in a restaurant (I was there for over twelve hours both days), and then spending the next day going out for meals twice. I have never wanted to eat something so badly in my life.
Other than that, though, it went well. I have never actually consciously fasted before, besides the traditional 30 Famine. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, to be honest. There was part of me that was hoping for a rending of the heavens and God's voice to come booming down at me, answering all of my innermost questions (Why was there only one girl smurf? I mean, seriously...), but that did not happen. On the other hand, well, it wasn't as hard as I have previously said that it was.
There were times when I almost forgot that I was fasting so I would almost grab something off of someone else's plate (never a customer's, in case you were wondering), but other than that, the decision not to eat was a rather easy one. On the other hand, it wasn't quite as easy to try and focus my thoughts onto God and his teaching.
I was asked today what the purpose of my fast was, and to be honest, I'm not really sure. I had no clear purpose in fasting, but I do feel confident that it is commanded of us by the Scriptures, so I figured that from time to time it would be a good idea to actually spend some time engaging in this spiritual discipline. Over those three days, however, I did feel a touch more...settled, if that is the right word. I'm really not sure how exactly to describe it because it was intensly subtle. I don't know if I will ever look back at this as a major spiritual high, or as a time when I was taught many great lessons by the Almighty. Rather, it will be a time that, when I look back at it at all, I will just see that I was held in the hands of God in a way that I noticed ever so slightly more than I normally do. During those three days I was safe. Isn't that a feeling we all want?
I guess I still have a great deal more to learn, about fasting, about God, about myself. It never gets easier does it? Well, the least I can do is enjoy the ride.


At 9:09 a.m., Blogger Jordan said...

Hey Darrell it's now Sunday the 28th where's your next blog I miss them.
I'm pretty sure I sent it to you but if anyone else wants to know my blog can be found at

At 9:10 a.m., Blogger Jordan said...

okay sorry it's totally Sunday the 24th, apparently I can't type or tell time.


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