Monday, April 03, 2006

The Return

I tried to get away, but I just couldn't do it. No matter how far I run, how stealthily I move, how cleverly I hide, I'm found yet again.
Yes, it's true. Raymond has struck again. For those of you who who are joining this BLOG late, Raymond is the name of the person who keeps stealing my stuff. Also, he vandalises my vehicles. He's egged my car many times, and broke a few windows.
This time, it's my CDs. I turned my back for a minute, and suddenly *POOF*, they're gone. Apparently an unlocked car is not the best place to keep CDs.
To be honest, though, it's not a big deal, as is evidenced by the fact that I haven't really said much about it until recently. It happened over a month ago, but I think I only told a couple people before now. I wish it hadn't happened cuz I like my music, but it's only music, so who really cares. If I ever meet Raymond, though, he is totally getting a glare. I might even shake my head at him.
Oddly enough, part of the reason that I didn't tell anyone is because I don't like getting sympathy when it's not a huge deal for me, and I know that when I tell people they will all sympathize with me and I will be irritated.
It's not the sympathy itself that I mind. It's the ongoing and disproportionate sympathy that gets to me. Ideally, all people would say would be "gee, that sucks," or something similarily low key. When my DVDs were stolen people were way over the top about it. "Oh man, that totally sucks. I'm so sorry to hear that. Did you check the pawn shops, maybe they tried to sell them there. Seriously, that's totally terrible." In my mind, it's annoying, and that's about it. That much going on makes me feel uncomfortable and slightly irritated. I don't like people making a big deal about me when something serious has happened, or I have done something big or important. To make a few stolen movies or CDs out to be such a huge deal is just baffling to me, and unnecessary. It's just stuff. No one was hurt, nothing was broken. I know a few places where I can get new ones. Heck, my movies were stolen about 18 months ago and I still have some people who will comment on it. I don't care, and at this point I think it's kind of funny. Same with the CDs.
And it's not that I don't like that people are sympathyzing with me. Hey, people care! That's great! In that way I don't mind. But it really isn't a big deal, so I guess I just don't want people to overdo it. Save the big sympathy for those who really need it. I'm cool.
You know, that is a weird sore point to have. Some days I wonder what exactly is wrong with me. And then I get something to eat and I'm better.
By the way, there is a hidden(ish) link in this posting. Mwa ha ha ha.


At 9:38 p.m., Blogger Lorraine M said...

Tipping the hat to you - that was cool!!

So what's new?!?!?

Long time no see.

I love empathy, not pity, sympathy is ok... sometimes.

Peter made me cry!

At 11:19 a.m., Blogger something witty said...

take the sentiment in the way it was intended. it is honouring to you. to do otherwise might be somewhat offencive..

just saying dude


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