Monday, October 02, 2006

Salmon of Doubt

I just watched The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It is a hilarious movie based on a hilarious set of books (based on a hilarious radio play...there is also a TV mini-series, video game, stage play, and a towel). It makes me a little sad every time because Douglas Adams (the creator) died sooner than I wish he would have. I didn't agree with all of his views on everything, but he was an amazing creator and it is sad that he is gone. So watch the movie, read the books, see the TV show, get the towel. It's some good stuff.


At 11:05 a.m., Blogger Kristine said...

I'm assuming that you've seen the BBC shows then. Did you catch some of the "Easter Eggs" (can't think of what else to call them) that were in the newer movie but were from the show?


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