Sunday, March 04, 2007

Yet Again, I Give You Bond

Diamonds Are Forever

Update: Death by mud, how embarassing.

Update: If you can believe this movie, then everyone who works in a diamond mine is corrupt.

Update: And the scorpion killed him in two seconds. Bad scorpion. Bad!

Update: Oh Moneypenny, James will love you someday.

Update: "That's quite a nice little nothing that you're almost wearing."

Update: Sean Connery was just making out with himself

Update: A funeral home called Slumber Inc. How fitting.

Update: "You handle those cubes like a monkey handles coconuts!" This woman is driving me bananas.

Update: "Blow up your pants." What does that even mean?

Update: His name is Professor Doctor Metz. Does this mean his parents named him Doctor...?

Update: He is driving a moon buggy and being chased by three wheeler ATVs. Doesn't get much cooler than that.

Update: He gets the car up on two wheels with the driver's side in the air and squeezes through the alley. Halfway through the car switches around and comes out with the passenger side in the air. I have got to get me one of those cars, that's something special!

Update: That man's suit matches his car.

Update: "One of us smells like a tart's handkercheif."

Update: Q would have been an awesome father. Imagine the toys you'd get for Christmas!

Update: They just sacked James Bond! Right in the gonads. That's low.

Update: Bond is wearing a pink tie! Or for shame, Mr. Bond. For shame.

Update: Eww. He just shook hands with a guy who just finished in the bathroom and didn't wash his hands. Ick.

Update: Q is cheating at the slots machines. I didn't even know you COULD cheat at the slots machines.

Update: The satellite floats through space until it gets ready to fire the laser, and then it stops completely, and then it goes on its merry way.

Update: I'm not wearing pants.

Update: "If you destroy Kansas, the world will not hear about it for years." Touche.

Update: They put him in the brig. The brig ends up being a janitor's closet with an unlocked hatch in the floor. Very secure.

Update: I'm jealous. I want a bathosub too!

Update: "If you're having a good time, let the captain know and I'll have him steam around in circles." ...the heck?

Update: Aannnd Bond was just attacked with two flaming shish-kabobs.

Update: Four of Sean Connery's six Bond movies end with him in the ocean in a boat.



At 6:44 p.m., Blogger jSharky said...

Wow. You're really going all Bond-marathon style here.
I've never been a serious Bond fan either. I've only watched them since I met the wife.
Everytime someone makes a show / movie that repeats itself with predictability, but with different settings, someone has to form some kind of crazy cult around it.
I wonder what the Bond cult would be like...
do they have a name like 'trekkies' or 'trekkers' do?


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