Monday, October 15, 2007

Accident free since...last week.

Wow, it has been over a week already! My how time flies.
This week was interesting - as busy as ever, even though there were less students. Really, it was a pretty standard week in some ways, there was still school and the guys had homework and all of that fun stuff. On the other hand, it was different because we had so few guys around, plus the juniors had an extended curfew because they were given 'senior privileges' while the seniors were in Rome. So instead of having everyone in bed at 10:30, most of them were in bed at midnight. But of course, that also meant that they had extra chores to take care of while the seniors were gone - they were less pleased about that!
Seriously, looking back at the week I just wonder where the time went? I can't remember many details, it has all just blurred together into vague recollections. I haven't had a car accident all week, which is good. I did cut my finger on a shard of glass, and I think I just saw a mouse run across the floor by the computers here, but I'm not sure. We have had a few in the dorm here and there, or so I am told. I haven't seen any, except for maybe right now.
Last Sunday night (eight days ago) was fun - we had the Candian staff members from the dorm and school get together and celebrated proper Thanksgiving. There was turkey and mashed potatoes and pie and all sorts of wonderful things, as there should be at Thanksgiving. It made me think of home and I smiled, happy for the memories and the ability to stay connected even in this small way. But that left only one RA at the dorm (the students were still mostly gone) and so our regular dorm fellowship that occurs on Sunday night was cancelled, but when I got back I found Joni (the RA that was still on duty) sitting in our lounge reading from a Christian counselling textbook about issues for choosing a proper mate. It was funny because it made it sound like a bit of a meat market just with how it was said. But there were some guys there listening, just soaking it all up. It was quite amusing, actually. After the chapter was done some of the guys settled in for a bit of a question/answer time and then one guy discussed his female situation (two girls that would date him if he asked) and we were able to give him some things to think about. And in the end he decided that, upon further reflection, it wasn't the right time and he would just stay friends with the both of them. That's a decision I don't know if I could make now, let alone when I was seventeen. I was very impressed.
Well, that is a bit of my life. I will try to keep y'all updated!


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