Thursday, April 30, 2009

Those crazy Swedes.

After eight months in my current apartment, I finally got some furniture for my room. I had a bed and dresser, and now I have a desk and bookcase. What this means is that I can finally, theoretically, have a clean and organised room. I say theoretically because I have unloaded most of my boxes, but now I have the empty boxes sitting in my room, along with all of the new furniture. But there is a reason.
You see, the desk I bought is from Ikea and it is unfinished wood. That means I get to stain and varnish it. I probably don't have to, but I want to - I like how stained wood looks, and the varnish will help protect it and make it washable. So I have kept the boxes so I have a surface that is not carpet on which to stain. It also means my room is a mess until I get this done.
I'll post pictures when I am done. Maybe.
In the meantime, get a mild chuckle from today's edition of Thunderfunk the Superchicken.


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