The Brake Pedal is on the Left
On Friday I went for lunch with my parents, brother, and sister-in-law (aka, mom and dad, Jeff, and Cat). We had just finished enjoying our meal at the Kelsey's when there was a loud bang. My first thought was that someone in the kitchen had fallen and dropped an oven on himself (it was a really loud bang). But as I looked around I realised that it had come from behind an outside wall, so it couldn't have come from the kitchen. Also, everyone along that wall was now rushing outside.
So we followed people outside and learned that someone had ran into the wall of the Kelsey's. With their car. They had pulled up to the parking spot and then hit the gas, jumped the curb, smashed through the glass patio wall (thank goodness no one was sitting out there) and ran into the building. There was a large crack in the wall where the car had hit, and there were also scattered bits of car everywhere. Also also, someone had witnessed the whole thing, including getting the licence plate number, so fleeing the scene was somewhat pointless.
Oh yeah, and the car had missed hitting mine in all of this by a couple of feet at the most.
This is the second time since I bought that vehicle in January that it has been within feet of a serious accident and not gotten a scratch on it. I am trying to figure out if that means it is a lucky car, or if it is an unlucky car. Things happen around it, but not to it. I guess that would make it lucky for me, unlucky for others.
I'm okay with that.
i have strong opinions about this post!
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