Sunday, May 03, 2009

And a little sore.

I find it funny that some people still look at those who use their cell phones in public as trying to seem important or cool. There was a time when only a select few had a cell phone, so it was a status symbol - if someone pulled out their brick, I mean cell phone, in public and began talking (loudly, probably because reception could not have been great back then), it was a way of getting people to notice that they were important enough to afford a cellular telephone, and busy enough to have to use it in public. Now, even elementary school children have cell phones. I could go down to the mall and for under a hundred bucks I could be talking on a phone (cheap cell, pay-as-you-go 'plan'). So, while it may be annoying to have people talking on their phones in public, usually now it is because they are loud and obnoxious. I think it is safe to stop mocking people for trying to look important by having a cell phone. That's what expensive sports cars and trophy wives are for.
Yesterday (Saturday) I spent the day in Banff. It was good times - we climbed Sulphur Mountain (which is much scarier than it sounds) and I remembered that I've basically stopped doing anything physical at all, ever, and spent the rest of the day apologizing to my body for abusing it so much. I also decided to go without sun screen (aka I didn't think of it at all), so now, from the neck up, I look like Bob the Tomato wearing a blond wig. Of course, the rest of me looks as pale as Casper (the friendly ghost)(boo), so it's an interesting contrast. Ah well, I least I don't have the swine flu.
I would show you pictures of my Banff day, but, of course, I didn't take my camera. I had a reason this time, though. I don't really have batteries for it anymore. Or, more accurately, I don't have charged batteries for it. I used to have a battery charger, but at some point it disappeared on me. I have lent my camera to Jeff a couple of times, and at least once I think I gave them the charger, and now I don't have it. That means either a) Jeff lost it (or it's in his house somewhere), or b) I lost it somewhere along the way. At the moment I am leaning towards option b simply because I moved three times over the summer and I'm not exactly an organised mover. Combine that with the fact that my memory is fuzzy on whether or not I actually gave Jeff the charger, or if I just thought about it and then didn't bother, and I'm inclined to think I lost it. However, just to be on the safe side, I'm going to be a little bitter towards Jeff. But only for a while.
As a Christian, I understand that fasting is one of the spiritual discipline to which I am called. I get it, I'm okay with it, but I am really lousy at actually doing it. The problem is, about two seconds after I start fasting, the only thing I can think about is how much money I save by not eating. Call me crazy if you want, but I don't think that should be the focus. I guess I'll just have to keep trying until I get it right.


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