Monday, November 30, 2009


So the Riders lost yesterday. That was sad, but in the end, it's just a game, and I had fun watching it. I am worried that Rider fans will do something stupid again, like when they dumped manure on Paul McCallum's lawn when he missed a field goal.
I enjoy sports, and I can even get emotionally involved in them, but I am at least aware that they are just a game and not the most life altering thing in the world. I shake my head at how into it some people get. It is like there is no perspective for some of these fans - they can't relax and just enjoy it.
And it is worse in the U.S.A. Sports, especially college sports, are a religion down there. They like football more than they like their families. It is worrisome to me sometimes.
All that to say, I will still cheer for the Riders. It was a fun season and I look forward to next year.
Also, I updated Grasp the Nettle again.


At 11:36 a.m., Blogger Monty P said...

For the record, they tried to dump manure on McCallum's lawn. They actually ended up getting his neighbour. That'll teach you to live beside someone who makes a mistake!

Yeah, life's a lot easier when you keep some key priorities in mind about sports:
1. It's a game, not life. Life is more important.
2. You're team is more likely to lose than win. In any league, there is only one winner, and lots of losers.
3. The sun will come up again tomorrow. There is only one day that will be an exception to this rule, and we won't know about it until after the fact.

Go Riders! Congrats Als. And you have to feel good for Duval. After those shanked punts and missing what would have been the game winning field goal - that would have been a miserable off season.

At 10:21 p.m., Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

You are such a softy. I don't feel good for Duval at all. He didn't play well enough to deserve a second chance...
Kinda funny to see a 7 yard punt, though.


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