Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I feel that I need to clarify a bit of my last posting. In said post, I mentioned that I find it irritating to get sympathy. That does not mean I don't appreciate it and that I'm not grateful for it. In fact, I am very appreciative and grateful, which is why I have such a dilemna over such feelings. It's nice knowing that people care, and that is one way that they show it. That's good. I guess what it comes down to is a personality thing. I'm laid back and very easygoing. Things don't tend to bother me, and I spend most of my life in the middle ground - neither too happy nor too sad. So when these things happen, I'm not terribly upset, and I don't really understand why other people would be. I may know why in my head, but the deep down fabric of my being I'm completely baffled by it. And like I said last time, I'm not comfortable when people make a big deal of me and my situation, so when something like this happens and people carry on for some time about it, then I feel uncomfortable, and thus a little irritated.
But there's a reason I haven't really mentioned this ever before. I know that it's kind of silly and that it would be easy for people to take it the wrong way. So I'll reiterate: I'm grateful for the sympathy, and thankful that people care about me. I'm just not comfortable with it. Who knows, maybe there are deep seeded issues in my own head that push me in that direction. Maybe I'm just crazy. I couldn't say for sure. Either way, just thought I'd try to clear that up. I also don't like being misunderstood, I'm always afraid someone will get mad at me simply because I wasn't clear, which would also suck. Ah well, watcha gonna do, eh?


At 8:51 a.m., Blogger Lorraine M said...

I figure you were pretty clear the first time.... lollipops??? ... How did you do that?

You are SO much fun!!

At 3:08 p.m., Blogger something witty said...


At 8:18 p.m., Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

my vote is for crazy ;) but we still love you, so its ok to be crazy, as long as you're loved. enjoy it.


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