Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Don't ask me why, but Switzerland makes me think of the Seven Dwarfs...

It is now less than three days until I board that plane and leave for Switzerland, and it still isn't real yet. I received an email today telling me that I need to take a train from Geneva to somewhere (I saved the email, so I'll remember when I need to, don't worry), and in my mind I can perfectly picture what exactly it will all look like, how the journey will go, buying tickets, and everything like that. The problem is, in my mind it is someone else getting off of that plane and getting on the train. I'm just watching it like it's on TV or something. This is so much different than anything I've ever done before that sometimes I wonder if I'm up to it. And then I remember that I've bought the ticket already, so it doesn't really matter either way whether I'm ready for it or not. So then I wonder about how to convert money into Francs or Euros or whatever Switzerland uses. I don't really know offhand. Well I've got a couple days to figure that all out. So I will.
I'm really excited.


At 8:09 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Switzerland uses swiss-francs, go to a main branch of a bank and get some before you leave. Airports usually have places to change currency. I think it's a better deal to change the money at a bank.Have a wonderful adventure!

At 2:43 p.m., Blogger Lorraine M said...

POSTCARDS>>>> Send a postcard or two - i will look forward to hearing of your adventures. I am proud of you ~ living on obedience and faith....

At 12:01 a.m., Blogger Corndog said...

Darrell, I am also excited for you. God will use you to bless the lives of kids... Awesome!


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