Sunday, June 10, 2007

Literary Conundrum

I have run across a completely unexpected problem in my preparations for Germany. I have too many books. It's not even that I have all that many, but I can't take all of them with me; they're too heavy. I'm trying to take as few as possible because my weight limits on my luggage is restricted, and shipping things will cost an arm and a leg. Whoops, doorbell. I'll be right back.
Back. There was no one there. It was on the TV show I'm watching. I gotta stop doing that.
Anyway, I was going through my books today and I started picking out the books that I want to take for sure. There are some Douglas Adams books, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, some Tom Clancy books, some sci-fi, and some fantasy - all told about 30 books. Those are for sure that I want to take. But there are another 30 or so that I want to take with me, or I might want to take with me. Plus some of my comic collections. Leaving my Far Side collection behind is going to be tough, but it is two huge hardcover books both in weight and size. They are twice as tall as a standard paperback. And I just remembered a bunch more books that I had that I have to go through now.
And the show Alias has to stop killing people or having them leave the show. Stupid people.
That adds another four books that I would like to take. It's not really a huge problem compared to my financial status (please give :) ) but it is unexpected. I'll get it figured out, don't you worry. I'm good at making decisions.
Also, our gas was shut off late Friday afternoon. That means no hot water. Or furnace for that matter, but it has been entirely too nice to need a furnace. But cold showers are terrible. I actually boiled a whole lot of water and used that to have a lukewarm bath. Baths suck.


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