Sunday, March 09, 2008


I had a thought yesterday relating to the retreat I was on last weekend. It added something to my life that had snuck away for a bit in the midst of all of the seriousness I have been dealing with this semester: fun. It was a six hour bus trip to reach Nurnberg, and six hours on the way back. That was twelve hours where I wasn’t ‘Darrell the RA with personal issues and hard choices looming’. Instead I was ‘Darrell the crazy guy at the back of the bus who is able to make people laugh because he is completely insane’. That Darrell has been hiding lately, but I think it is okay for him to come out again and hang out with the guys.
Thank you God for fun!


At 7:29 p.m., Blogger something witty said...

welcome back! let me know if you see me


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