Friday, January 16, 2009

It's been a weird week of dreams for me

Mark Whalberg starred in a movie a couple of years ago called Shooter. He played a military trained sniper who gets set up for the attempted assassination of the president. The movie was pretty entertaining, with plenty of suspense and intrigue and action. I was right with the story up until the end. The last ten or fifteen minutes made me sit back and go "Really? That's how you decided to end the story?" The ending did not fit the rest of the movie. It was almost as though the writer got bored and just ended the movie so he could go for nachos. It left me dissatisfied.
Last night I had a dream that was very cinematic in scope and feel. I'm not sure anymore if I was a character in the story, or if I was merely observing the action. I'm also hazy on the details. What I remember is that there was a group of people involved, and the action, such as it was, revolved around these people and their lives during a period of time. One member of the group was having a rough time - he was struggling socially with girls, specifically another member of the group, and was becoming increasingly distraught to the point that there was concern that he would kill himself. The whole tone was very serious, like a dramatic movie with no element of the supernatural or the fantastic.
Suddenly the setting and tone changed. The movie had taken place in the midst of a city, largely downtown, moving from tall apartment building to skyscraper office and back. But now people were sitting around on patio chairs, holding drinks and looking very relaxed. Now I know I was definitely watching the action because I was watching what looked to be a home video. The people being taped were the same people who had been in the earlier part of the dream, and there was a voice off camera (might have been me, come to think of it) asking questions. One of the questions asked was "so who died anyway?" and the girl who was sitting nearest the camera casually said "Oh, Joshua."
The problem with this is that Josh was the least likely person to have died. The implication in the question and answer was that Josh had killed himself, but no reason why was given. I woke up thinking "that was it?" I was very dissatisfied with how the dream ended.
Just like I was with Shooter.


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