Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Vacation Pics

I know that I am not good with a camera, or more specifically, I'm not good with remembering to bring my camera. This irritates people who think that when I go on a trip, or attend a wedding or do important stuff like that (live in Germany for a year, perhaps?) I should bring back pictures. Well never fear. On my recent journey east, I managed to get a few pictures that I will now share with you.I managed to snag a fancy aerial shot of my journey from the Google satellites. The dotted lines were added for effect.

This is my plane arriving at the Toronto airport. I'm not sure why Air Canada insists on painting their planes that light blue colour. Unless it is an attempt to blend in with the sky. Something suspicious is going on. I'M ON TO YOU AIR CANADA!

Once in Toronto, I was picked up by Niki and we explored the city for a while. We didn't get lost once.

We also went and visited Niagra falls. It was winter, so the wonderful, cooling mist had turned into slick ice covering everything. The lamp posts looked really cool because they had a coating of ice up and down one side that was something like six inches thick. The sidewalks were less cool, being covered in enough ice to make walking entertainment on its own. And, of course, we were soaked by the end of the night. All in all, a great time.
These were some of the people I met in Ontario. Except for Matt and Niki, whom I met in Saskatchewan many years ago. I stayed at Matt's house while I was there.

This one looks like...a penguin... I think that one was snapped accidentally when my camera was in my bag. That's why most of it is so dark.

While I was in Ontario, Peter's Durango was hit while it was parked in front of his house. But don't worry - my car escaped unharmed.

And finally, this is me back in Regina, roughhousing with my nephews. Apparently they have way more energy than I do for some reason. Go figure.

Now I am back in Calgary, and am mostly glad to be back. It's always a little sad to end a great vacation like that. Thanks to everyone who put me up for an evening or four on my trip. I had a blast everywhere I went. I wish I was everywhere I was again. Which would be difficult. There would need to be at least three of me, and if I'm going to do that, I'd make sure there were four, just to have one for spare parts. Jeesh, I'd hate to be that me.


At 4:25 p.m., Blogger Monty P said...

Nice pictures. Digital? The quality was impressive.

I was wondering what Niki looked like....

Pete has lost some weight.

Glad you're home. See you in a couple of days.

At 7:29 p.m., Blogger something witty said...

first off, i have lost some weight, second, it is an uncanny reproduction of what actually happened! third


go here and listen

At 9:13 a.m., Blogger Jordan said...

I can't beleive you didn't post a picture of us watching Tremors. I think I remember posing for one next to Kevin and Reba.

And Peter really does look good. Did he do Weight Watchers?

At 2:57 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had fun hangin Darrell, you wanna hang out next week sometime? How does Vancouver sound?


At 6:19 a.m., Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

amazing. I particularly loved the to-scale picture of us at N.F. ... Meggs might kill you with here evil eye from a distance (short ppl have extra evil eyes).

At 1:22 p.m., Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

please note: your "line-up" drawing... err... picture is NOT to scale. i'll have you know i come up to matt's armpit! _ meg


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