Tuesday, December 08, 2009


I just realised that I am often more tired in the winter because the cold weather takes so much of my energy that it leaves me tireder than in warmer weather when I am warm and cozy even when I am outside and then, after some bartering, we managed to purchase the monkey for a fair price but we quickly realised that the monkey was going to eat us out of house and home quite literally because we lived in a banana and when I am too cold and tired my mind starts to wander and I almost fall asleep on my couch which matches the footstool I have by a strange coicidence because I didn't buy the couch or the stool because it is much easier to get the furniture for free from people who don't want it anymore as long as you don't mind having stuff that is new or in pristine shape, which I am not because I am still young and living on my own and I don't really care if things are coordinated or not, which explains much of my wardrobe I suppose, though to be fair, blue jeans, if they are nice, can go with almost anything as long as you are staying somewhat casual because dressing up requires clothes that are a little bit nicer like the pair of khakis that I have for business type use like when I go on job interviews, something I don't really like doing because I hate the cold weather and want it to warm up!

Grasp the Nettle


At 1:41 p.m., Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

that is one brilliant run on sentence.

At 6:54 p.m., Blogger something witty said...

it is interesting to me how often monkeys enter your mind

At 10:42 a.m., Blogger Papa Scott said...

did i ever choose the wrong day to read to Jason what you were saying. He simply got up and walked away halfway through.



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