Saturday, July 15, 2006


Later today I leave for Switzerland for my two weeks of camp work. In Switzerland! But it's got me thinking that there just aren't enough cars with fins on them anymore. There are a few still kicking around, but they are really old now. Really really cool, but old. Nothing new is ever that styling (except maybe for the new Mustang). It is almost as though people have decided that round is a much better shape, but they're wrong. A car with a good fin on it is something bold and striking, something that really catches the eye. It's sad really.
Also, I saw this video and it was really funny. I don't know if it the link will work, but whatever. It's a guy going around to different stores wearing a stocking on his head, kind of like a bank robber. It's funny watching people just panic and run away from him just because of the stocking on his head. At one place a group of people actually scream and run away. Another guy physically pushes him out of the store. And one guy says "What the hell is that then?", takes of and hides behind a barred door and then calls the cops. It's really funny.
Brian Regan is a funny comic. One of his bits is where he talks about not knowing how to use the phrase "You too". For instance he'll be eating at a restaurant and a the waitress will give him his food and say "Enjoy your steak," and he'll reply "You too". Well, I've been finding myself doing that too, probably influenced by him. Today I was at the bank and I mentioned that I was going to Switzerland. As I left the bank teller said "Enjoy your trip" to me, and I paused as I started to say "You too," and I had to mentally force myself to say "Thanks" instead.
And now I'm off to pack.
You too!


At 12:05 p.m., Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

I'm so sad I didn't get to talk to you before you left, the day I get home from camp-you leave. agh. Have an AMAZING trip...God will do great things through you. You're totally in my prayers. I want to hear all about it when you get back (curious as to what you thought of my other home) ;) Blessings!!!

At 2:47 p.m., Blogger something witty said...

yea so im board and you need to come home so we can go see R.V.

At 11:43 p.m., Blogger Corndog said...

Hey Darrell!

Thanks for trying to get a hold of me before you left. Unless you just accidentally dialed my number from your cell phone. I know you are still getting used to it. lol.

It looks like you have already been in Sweden (oops, I mean Switzerland) for a while. I know you get a lot of this, people asking for "swiss memorabilia"... and hopefully you will get this before you leave Switzerland... But could you pick me up a Swiss Wife?

Anyways, Praying for you brother,


At 11:21 p.m., Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

corndog - NO WIFE FOR YOU!

- pants


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