Monday, July 31, 2006


Well, what a pair of weeks it has been. I returned today from a two week stint at an English Camp in Switzerland. Before I went I was fairly certain that I had no idea what I was doing and that I was probably making a mistake. I was only half right. This was probably the best decision that I have made in the past forever. It was so good, I can't believe how good it was. I am actually very sad that it is over. There is so much to say that I can't even begin to say everything that I want to. Luckily I kept a travelogue as I went, so over the next three days I will copy that out and post it, so you will get a day-by-day update of how my two weeks went. It's mostly just little observations that I made, or big ones, as I went through my days. It doesn't cover everything by a long shot, and it isn't really organised by day or anything. What I did was right a small (or longish) paragraph whenever I observed something worth observing. That means that each paragraph isn't really connected to the previous paragraph (keep that in mind).
The map at the top has three things to note. The first is a weird boxy shape around Geneva. That's where I flew into (and out of). The second is a square around Nuchatel. I took a train to there from Geneva when I arrived and from there to Geneva when I left. The third is a circle around Le Bois. That is where the camp actually was. It was so incredibly awesome that I don't even have words at the moment. That and I'm so exhausted that I can't really think much. I woke up at 4am Swiss time on Monday morning in order to catch my train on time (having gone to bed at 1am Swiss Time) and arrived at 7am Swiss Time on Tuesday morning (9pm Monday night local time), and I probably slept about three hours on the trip, so I'm a bit fried. But I HAD to get some laundry done before I went to bed. So I'm still up.
I will say this, I miss the people. I can now say that I have some German and Dutch and French and British friends (and more Canadian ones as well), and that's exciting. God loves us all and understands us all, even when we don't understand each other. I miss them already, and the kids I was working with as well. Really the next couple days are going to be a bit sad, I'll probably be a mix of joyous and happy and rather meloncholy, so if you see me and I seem down, I am, but it's a sad that is mixed with joy.
I should also mention the group I went with. It's called Janz Team Ministries, and it was started in Winnipeg. A funny quirk is that my Janz Team contact for organising EVERYTHING was actually in the States, even though I sent my forms to Winnipeg, but that's okay. Not a problem, just funny. But they are doing good work around the world, and they would love your prayers and support. This camp was focussed mostly on French-Swiss kids, along with a smattering of France-French kids and they really need your prayers. France is really a closed country in many ways, and if Janz Team can get a camp going in Switzerland for French people, it may help to open some doors in France. That would be awesome.
Well, that's all I have at the moment. Keep tuned over then next few days, I'll be updating like crazy.
Crazy, I went crazy once. They locked me in a room with rats. Rats, I hate rats. They drive me crazy. Crazy, I went crazy once. They locked me in a room with rats. Rats, I hate rats. They drive me crazy. Crazy, I went crazy once. They locked me in a room with rats. Rats, I hate rats. They drive me crazy....


At 8:08 a.m., Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

YAY!!! Glad to hear it was so awesome. Look forward to talking to you about it. Hope the jet lag subsides can take up to about a week. ;) Something to look forward to. :)

At 11:28 p.m., Blogger Just Jaq said...

jetlag shmetlag! just stay up for a couple of days straight and then when you do decide to sleep, don't let yourself fall asleep til the clock strikes anywhere that says "pm". you'll be golden. promise.

haha or not...that's just sort of how my body decided to cope when i went back to canada for the wedding...


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