Monday, February 23, 2009

Where did it go?

I thought I had lost my passport. I was convinced that it had not made it to my current apartment, and I was sorely vexed. I decided that I needed to clean up my room more thoroughly than I had ever cleaned up before, just to find it. I searched my suitcases - no passport. I did find a network cable that had gone missing at some point (possibly when I packed to go to Germany), and my old toothbrush, which had disappeared on my way home. I searched my dresser drawers - no passport. I searched my file box, where I had previously kept it - no passport. I searched the drawer of my bedside table - and found it. I don't remember putting it there, but apparently I had. The funny this was, I had looked there before, poking around the overly fully drawer, curious if it was there. I guess I hadn't been too concerned before because it was right there.
And then I was sitting on my bed, looking at my somewhat haphazard room, wondering what to do. I had suddenly lost my motivation for cleaning up. After consideration, I decided to clean up anyway, but I lost steam halfway through. It's better than it was, but still needs some work.
Now read this.


At 7:53 a.m., Blogger something witty said...

i am sure you will forever hate me for this but may i change the word passport to God and us it as an illustration of how some people will look for God and truly believe he does not exist but when push comes to shove and they are motivated to truly look one last time, they find God where they had previously been, and are certain that God was never there to begin with, only to find God there saying "i was always here you just needed to want to find me!"

too bad, i already did it

At 12:37 p.m., Blogger Monty P said...

I'm glad you found your passport, but I'm still more amused by the toothbrush conversation (I'm a little behind - stupid weekends with only dial-up).

We just took the boys to see the dental hygienist. She actually said we should be brushing their teeth after breakfast. I was both surprised and impressed, because I usually hear people say first thing in the morning which, I agree, doesn't make any sense.

By the way, Pete/Darrell, I might rip off that passport/God illustration as well.

At 10:32 p.m., Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

sometimes I'm so allegorical it hurts, apparently.


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