Monday, February 08, 2010

I'm gonna miss the Olympics

In a little less than an hour, I will be on my way to China. Technically, I'll be on my way to the airport where I have to stand around for three hours until I get on the plane to fly to Vancouver where we wait for a while before we fly to China. But I will leave my house in a little less than an hour.
I am very excited and a little nervous. I already miss Beth (she had to go to class), but I am looking forward to seeing her again. I hope I will be able to do the work we need to do. I don't know what exactly we are doing beyond 'building a playground', and that there is concrete involved somehow. I am guessing we will have to dig some holes for posts, and pour concrete for a solid foundation and...screw things together....? I bet I carry a bunch of stuff.
Well, I don't have much profound to say here. Hope God blesses this trip greatly. I have a feeling he will.


At 9:36 p.m., Blogger something witty said...

with all my heart i love you and am praying for you.

At 7:40 p.m., Blogger Papa Scott said...

update you witty fool!!!!!


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