Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Kids have the coolest toys...I'm so jealous

Today, I decided that I don't like two things: one - hockey tournaments; and two - working at a restaurant twenty feet away from two large hotels. Actually, neither is bad on its own, but when you mix them, it makes for long days. We were as busy today (Tuesday) as we normally are on a Friday, which was awkward because we had half as many servers working, which meant everyone was twice as busy. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the extra tips that come with the job. But my back is sore and my feet are sore and I am just generally exhausted. I think the biggest problem was that I was expecting a slow day, so I was all geared up for an easy couple of shifts, and instead I was busy for twelve hours, with a quick half hour break in the middle so that I could eat.
But when I'm that busy, my mind really starts to wander, especially when I get finished and am winding down. Today, it occurred to me that I'm not sure if I would be a good father. I am told regularly from people that I would be a good dad some day (I actually had one woman think that I already had kids because I was so good with her daughter), but I'm not always so sure. I like kids, I really do, and they seem to react well to me for the most part. But I'm never around kids for very long. At work I just entertain them for a few minutes here and there when I'm not too busy. When I'm around kids other places, nephews, cousins, children of friends, etc, it's never for very long, and I'm able to give the child back if he/she gets too fussy. I wonder how I would handle a child like my nephew Darian, who seems to be a bit on the fussy side, a little quicker to cry than some kids. What about when they get older and can start talking back. I don't know how I'd handle that all the time, having a stubborn child. The perfectionist in me (he's there, somewhere) wants my kid to be absolutely perfect, and I know that a perfect kid is impossible.
There was a table today at work that had some kids with them, mostly around five or six, maybe as old as ten (I'm terrible at estimating ages). One boy was sitting on the edge of his chair, tipping it up on two legs, and it tipped over, spilling him onto his butt. The father's reaction was too immediately say "I told you that would happen!" He sounded rather annoyed with his son, and didn't even ask if he was all right. It bothered me a little bit, I figured he should have at least checked to make sure he wasn't bleeding or dying or anything, but there seemed to be no sympathy at all. I don't think that he should have been too worried, it wasn't a terrible fall, and I don't think that coddling kids is any solution, but there seemed to be no compassion evident at all. It got me to thinking, though, and I wondered how I would react in such a situation, and I realised that I don't know. I would like to think that I would find a happy medium, compassion without overindulgence. I would at least make sure he was all right, and yet still try to let him know that there were consequences for his actions, such as falling off of his chair. But that's so easy to say, and so hard to actually do when the ocassion arises. And there is so much information that I don't have. Had the dad asked his son many times that evening not to play on the chair like that? And other such questions. I don't really know.
I think it frightens me a little bit. How in the world do you take this young person and raise it to be a good adult. My parents seem to have managed the feat four times (jury's still out on Jeff, but we'll give him the benefit of the doubt)(just kidding Jeff)(I bet he punches me for that one)(sigh), but I don't know if I can. Will I be too tough? Will I become to exasperated by constant crying? Will I be able to handle the junior high years? Would God be cruel and give me a daughter? Will I be too lenient? How in the world could I ever discipline anyone?
I think a daughter frightens me the most. With a son, I know what to expect - he's going to grow up into a typical male, hence - an idiot. Men aren't the brightest creatures on the planets (trees snicker at us as we pass, amused by our slow wits), but I understand that. I can handle that. I can send that into safe places...or at least I'll be able to join in. What do I know about women? I tell you, if I have a daughter, I will be useless (even more so!) for the rest of my life. That woman will have me wrapped around her finger right from the start. I know this to be true. How in the world can I ever punish my kids?
Here's the funny part. All of this has occurred to me, yet I'm not even dating, let alone in a position to actually have to think about kids. Yet all of this came to me today. See what happens when I'm overworked?
Well, I guess I'm going to go away now.


At 8:05 a.m., Blogger Papa Scott said...

Jeff Foxworthy said it best. "let him pull the TV on his head...He'll learn!"

At 11:09 a.m., Blogger something witty said...

and after all that you still dont know if you will be a good dad?
join the club
its kinda like walking into a honted house with your eyes colsed and bacwards........peeing you never know what might happen
Peter William is cooing at me
I should go get him up!!


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