Thursday, June 16, 2005


Haven't heard from me for a while. My apologies, I've been busy lately. Busy and a little down. Been a tough couple weeks. First off, I went to a wedding. By myself. And I didn't know more than seven people there. And I'm tired of weddings. Add it all up, and I was one unhappy guy. It's not that I was depressed because I'm alone. I was just tired of weddings, and I didn't feel like trying to make friends. So I left early.
That was back in Regina, and when I finally got home, I was home for a day, and then I went to Peter's house for close to a week, housesitting for them while they went to Mandy (his wife)'s parent's farm in Manitoba. That wasn't so bad, although I have to admit that I don't really like their dog. I guess it's not really their dog specifically (although she is a bit of a suck, always wanting attention, and barking at you from two inches away if you ignore her for even a second)(and she smells funny). I'm just not much of a dog person. Or a cat person. Offhand, at this point in my life, I'm not big on having a pet that requires attention. If I were to get a dog, it would have to be one that was very low energy, probably an older dog that just didn't care much anymore. If it wanted to climb up onto the couch and sit beside me while I watched T.V. without actually needing more than an ocasional scratch behind the ears, that would be perfect. And I wouldn't want it to smell to bad. I just don't like smelly dogs.
Anyway, all of that to say, I spent close to two weeks away from my home and my bed, and it started to get to me. I didn't really like it much. And I spent most of the time I was housesitting working constantly, including two 12 hour days, which is never fun no matter what job you have.
And then, once I got home from the housesitting, I just didn't care much. I've been kind of mopey lately.
I'm feeling better now, though. No real reason for the change, really. I did go and see Batman yesterday. Frankly, it is an awesome movie and everyone should go see it. Definitely worth it, I'd say. Hey, any movie with Morgan Freeman can't be all bad. And this one was all good. Forget the last Batman movie (mostly because it sucked). (and I mean really sucked). This one is awesome possum.
As for my course, I should be done the second of four assignments tomorrow night. Halfway done (almost). That's good.
Other than that, not much to report. Keeping busy at work for the most part. Next week is going to be an easy week, not alot of hours.
I think I've said all I have to say today.
Keep in touch.


At 9:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would keep in touch, but i dont have your phonenumber!!!

At 8:20 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

darrell...hey, niki devereaux here...finally decided to read your journal. :) hope things are looking up some. i'll try to remember to read your journal, keep up on your life. :) take care


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