Monday, May 30, 2005

There's a wet spot on my chin

So, have you ever wanted to say something and simply not been able to. I'm not talking about being interrupted or it being too loud. No, I'm talking about when you really want to say something, but it seems like your tongue has swelled up in your mouth and you just sit there with a dumb look on your face, wishing it would all just go away. I hate that feeling.
Today, I am tired. I have been tired since I got up this morning, and I will be tired when I go to bed tonight. I should probably go to bed right now, but I won't. I think I'll try to write at least one more paragraph for my paper. I handed in the first assignment, but I haven't got it back yet.
I went and saw The Longest Yard yesterday, and I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it might be kind of amusing in a typical Adam Sandler sort of way, but it was funnier than that. I was laughing a great deal harder than I have for many movies lately. I especially found the big, rough, tough football player acting like a weepy woman (which is not an attempt at stereotyping) because someone switched his steroids with estrogen. It was really funny. Also, the large black guy who was kind of slow, but very large and a very hard hitter, killed me. Heck, even Chris Rock wasn't too annoying.
The MTV movie company logo was also interesting. It's a movie theater, but all of the audience members are astronauts. It looked really cool.
I'm excited, because I finally managed to download the Star Wars Holiday Special, a Christmas special that was made in 1978, a live action one that was aired only once, and starring all of the original actors and everything. The story revolves around life on Kashyyk, Chewie's home planet, and their celebration of Life Day (I love when TV shows make a show about Christmas, but call it something else). It's supposed to be so terrible that George Lucas tried (and failed) to buy every master copy so that it could never be seen again.
I'm tired enough that I'm almost starting to drool. Mmmm.....


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