Sunday, May 22, 2005

The smurfs under my bed refuse to pay their rent.

You know, I am extremely easily amused. I know, you're all shocked. Try to keep your jaws off of the floor from your shock. My big thing this week was a word that amused me: Thnik. It is simply the word Think spelled wrong. Yet something about it just tickles me pink (as opposed to my normal pasty white colour). I couldn't even tell you what it is.
It's not just thnik (heh) that makes me smile though. Other seemingly ordinary things are really fun in my mind. Most of you are probably thinking penguins, and you are right. I love penguins. The way they walk around on land is fun, the awkward waddle. It's like they are all wearing pants with only one leg and they're all too obstinate to change, so they just shuffle around all day. And any animal that finds safe swimming holes like they do is something special. For those of you who don't know, allow me to enlighten you. Penguins stand around the edge of where they would wish to swim, just shuffling and pushing, and just generally milling about. Eventually, one of the clumsier penguins, usually the one who has thick glasses and spends all of his time watching Star Trek and critiquing the continuity, will fall into the water. A hush falls over the crowd as they all peer over the edge. If the penguin pops back up to the surface safely, then all is well and the group jumps in, probably landing on the sacrificial first penguin in the process. On the other hand, if only bits and parts of the first penguin bob to the surface, then they are all pretty sure that it's a good day to tan, given that a ravenous predator, or a bunch of free roaming scissors, is just below the surface.
The predator, meanwhile, would probably be better served to let the first penguin go, but I suppose when your entire brain is wired for eating, logic like that seems to beyond it's grasp. Incidently, I think that also explains everything any man ever does.
Ducks are also amusing. But if you really want to make me laugh, make them talk. I couldn't even tell you why, but talking ducks are one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Even if it's just in a cartoon and they don't actually talk, they just think. Everything about them just amuses me. There is a comic strip that I would call my favourite comic strip, even edging out classics such as Calvin and Hobbes, Garfield, and Andy Capp. It is called Sheldon (available at for your viewing pleasure), and the cast is rather simple. It is the story about a ten year old boy named Sheldon that made his money on the internet, so he is a billionaire that runs his own company. He lives with his grandpa, who is quickly getting senile, but failing to notice. His friend Dante often appears, an ordinary ten year old that refuses to be intimidated by a peer who happens to have more money than most small countries (though he is not above making Sheldon pay for the ice cream). Sheldon also has a pet duck into which he decided to download a speech program, thereby allowing the duck to speak (which shows the program is most likely working rather well). It cracks me up watching the duck, who is a bit of an egotistical, sarcastic dummy, go around interacting with the world around him. But enough on that, I'm going to talk about my comic strip addiction later.
But there are many different things that amuse me or entertain me, or impress me. I'm listening to a song by Weird Al Yankovic right now called "Bob", and each line is one or two palidromes (sentences that can be read the same backward and forward (a dog a panic in a pagoda), but I'm sure you knew that). It just blows my mind that someone could make something like that into a song. Sometimes I worry about this trait of mine. I think that I am perhaps simple and not that bright. Until I look at the world around me. Take work for example (please, take it far!). When one of the other servers gets a bad tip, or no tip, then they are in a bad mood, and they get grouchy and whine and complain. When I get a bad tip, or no tip, then take a breath, shrug, and think Penguins can probably fly. They're just hiding the fact until their plans for world domination are irreversibly in motion. I'm sure it involves rap music somehow, but I'm not sure how. Hey look, a squirrel. And with that I am amused and don't even care (much) about not getting a tip. You see, life is much less stressful for me. I don't know how some people survive being wound so tight all the time. I also can't see how people can let the little things get them down. You should have seen everyone getting all worked up because no one had mopped the kitchen like they were supposed to at the end of their shift. Finally, just to shut everyone up, I said I'd do it. I didn't really want to do it either, but I couldn't get upset about it. I just shrugged, did the job, and kept myself amused with absolutely nothing while I did. This just makes sense to me.
Well, I should let you go, I'm sure you have better things to do than listen to me ( rant and rave about, well, basically nothing. Me, I have aliens to shoot. Umm...I'm playing game....yeah. See y'all later.
Thnik. Heh.


At 8:21 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

look, I wouled have left her a bigger tip but YOU dont have a tip option on the interact machine, and by the time i figured it out it was too late soooooooooooooooo I only had $2.10 in my pocket and I gave her that!
Hey Darrell you droped your pocket!


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