Saturday, March 31, 2007

Take THAT, Sir Isaac Newton

As most people have heard at some point in their lives, there are certain 'Laws of Physics', such as "A body in motion stays in motion...."(I think there's more to that one), or "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction", that sort of stuff. What people fail to realise is that there is a final rule, one not often talked about, and one that only applies on film. That rule is thus: "All other rules do not apply if an action looks cooler by breaking said previous rules." That is why things happen in movies that don't happen in real life. Real life simply does not have access to that last rule. It is a very specific rule, put in place in the 19th century by a German phycisist whose name I don't know. There you go, a free science lesson for you kiddies.


At 8:21 p.m., Blogger jSharky said...

Yeah, even in writing you get that.
Like how Douglas Adams describes flying as getting distracted whilest falling.


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