Friday, March 23, 2007

Where's the cowbell?

A View To A Kill

Update: I hate the title.

Update: And once again, Bond is skiing. I think Roger Moore was addicted to skiing. Also, he appears to be carrying a purse. A white one. At least we know it is before Labour Day.

Update: Yay! 80s Techno Pop music! Listen to that synthesizer wail. Oh baby. Duran Duran was so dreamy. Sigh.

Update: It's one of the little remote control car droids from Star Wars!!

Update: Modern toasters have microchips, apparently. Cool.

Update: It's Christopher "I'd Be More Famous If I Wasn't So Creepy" Walken. He looks so young!

Update: That woman is wearing the second tallest hat I've ever seen.

Update: Q called them vit-amins, pronounced with a short 'i'. That is sweet.

Update: Bond is in a Bentley. I want a Bentley. They are REALLY nice cars.

Update: It's Midge from That 70s Show. Weird.

Update: I like the white horse the best. He's my buddy. Hey buddy. What's up? You're my bestest buddy aren't you? Yes you are. Oh yes you are.

Update: We're going to be best friends forever, aren't we. You are so cute with your white coat. So shiny and pretty. Get a good's nights sleep, we will play tomorrow. Oh so cute.

Update: She is CREEPY!

Update: CREEPY!!!!!!

Update: James Bond would be happy if he could be a naked spy. I mean all the time, not just most of the time.

Update: The horse's name is Inferno. I hope it blows up and starts a fire. That would be cool.

Update: He's taking the Bentley through a CAR WASH. Is he insane? I'm glad he got killed while the car was being washed. He deserved it. Dolt.

Update: I know how he's cheating at the horse races. He's putting NOS in the horses. "Dude, how much NOS is in the tank?"

Update: "Killing Tibbet was a mistake." "Well I'm about to make the same mistake twice." What, you're going to kill Tibbet twice? Leave the poor guy alone, his day has been rough enough as it is, what with taking the Bentley through the car wash and being killed and all.

Update: Seriously, CREEPY!

Update: Why are you throwing the Bentley in the lake? It's already been washed today.

Update: Wow, the Russians just showed up, and now they are leaving. That was random.

Update: Ooh, board meeting on a blimp. And he just walked out of the room with the bad guy's henchwoman (who is CREEPY). This guy is STUPID. And dead.

Update: They just used the title in their dialogue, and I have to admit, once it's said in context, it's still a stupid title.

Update: That fisherman looked like he wanted to be a pirate, but just couldn't quite do it. Or maybe he was an undercover pirate. Hard to say.

Update: Water way to go. Get it? Cuz he died in the water. It's a pun. Funny. I'm a funny guy.

Update: It must a cold night.


Update: "The bubbles tickle my...Tchaikovsky!"

Update: Two aliases in one movie? James, you're slipping. Are you becoming ashamed of the Bond name?

Update: I wanted to say something funny a women coming out of a closet with a shotgun, but it's more of a visual gag really.

Update: The cat's name is Pussy. Good name. Shows wit, imagination, creativity.

Update: I love old movies and how they make a big deal of computers. Ooh, green and black screens. Whee, pixels!

Update: Hey little horse buddy. Was just thinking about you. Remembering the good times we had before, watching you look out of your stable. I miss you.

Update: I love Christopher Walken. He should do a buddy comedy with Q. Which might be hard cuz Q's dead. But that's beside the point.

Update: Huh, elevators are highly flammable. Who knew.

Update: You can't fight city hall. But you CAN burn it to the ground.


Update: He's making his getaway in a fire truck. One of the really long ones with the ladder part that has a separate driver. I think it might work!

Update: And it worked.

Update: Wait, maybe not.

Update: No, I was right. It worked.

Update: His plan is to flood Silicone Valley.

Update: Christopher Walken looks like he is having fun, no matter what he is doing. He could make kidney stones look like a good time!

Update: Seriously, that chick is CREEPY!

Update: Well now, that wasn't very nice. You shouldn't blow up mines with people still in them. You go apologise to all of those dead mine right now.

Update: Sure, you can survive being beaten up by Jaws, Oddjob, and the large East Indian guy, but one rock to the head and you are out like a light. Pansy.

Update: "Help, I'm drowning! I know, I'll grab the metal frame that is touching exposed wires. That will save me!" It didn't save him.

Update: Umm, when I said that Q was dead earlier, I meant Desmond Llewelyn, the actor who played Q. The character of Q is still alive.

Update: You know, if this plan succeeds, then Bill Gates is probably toast. A part of me hopes it works.

Update: That is ALOT of explosives. You don't understand what I mean (unless you've seen the movie) when I say it is ALOT of explosives. Imagine a large number. Larger. Larger. Too large, don't get carried away. There you go. It's that many explosives.

Update: Don't follow the explosive you idiot. Run away from the explosion. AWAY! Gosh, why are you not dead yet?

Update: The Golden Gate Bridge. It's orange and has no gate.

Update: Do it. Just do it. Just do it.

Update: You know, even though she is dead, that chick is still CREEPY. Slightly less so, actually.

Update: He'll be fine.

Update: Tap a car lightly and it explodes like the fourth of July, put have an explosion on a dirigible and it blows up like a wet First of July. See what I did there was make a joke about how big and over-the-top crazy the Americans are in their celebrations as compared to how Canadian celebrations are often less grandiose. Also, an airship full of explosive gas would probably burn more spectacularly. Sigh. I like big explosions.

Update: Don't cry Moneypenny, James is still alive, and he still loves you!

Update: Q is a peeping tom! I still like him.

That was a pretty fun movie. The girl was a bit of a 'scream-and-hope-I-get-saved-because-I-can't-help-myself' sort of stereotype, but she did all right. Coming up next - um...Timothy Dalton stars as James Bond in a movie with a title! Ciao

Update update: I apologise, it wasn't a Bentley. It was a Rolls Royce. Everything I said about the Bentley still applies to the Rolls though.

Update update: Dolph Lundgren was in this movie. He must not have spoken because I didn't notice.


At 5:56 p.m., Blogger Kristine said...

I wasn't so fond of that one, and I agree that it was a stupid name. The main thing that I was fond of was that Patrick MacNee was in it. He was Tibbett. You might not know who Patrick Macnee is unless you are familiar with the British Spy show "The Avengers". There was movie made of it in the 90's, but the original show was so great, I can't bring myself to watch the movie because I know it will suck. The cool thing is that Patrick MacNee's lead female was played by Diana Rigg, who also happened to play Bond's wife in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service". Cool cameos, I approve!

At 6:25 p.m., Blogger jSharky said...

Yeah, I haven't seen that one and I can just sense how dumb it is. The name says everything.
It is not a good "View" . . .


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