Sunday, November 18, 2007

Like and old shoe

Isn't it funny how old ways seem so comfortable in times of growth and change? This past week I found myself wishing that I was back in Calgary working at my old job and that life was still as it was back then. I shook my head when I remembered that I was in many ways miserable back then and that I was at the end of my rope and in need of a positive change. Even had I satyed in Canada some sort of change was needed and that life wasn't all that great. But here I am a few months later looking back on a few isolated things and thinking that it was all good and I was doing better than I am now. I wasn't. I was just more comfortable.
I wonder how often people give up new ventures just because it is slightly uncomfortable and it suddenly feels like the old way was better. That is just something that I need to keep in mind as I go through the next few months of adjustment. It is said that the third or fourth months are where things really start to get difficult because the newness has worn off and things still don't feel truly like home, which is exactly where I am at right now. But no matter what, the old days aren't better. Just different


At 12:36 p.m., Blogger something witty said...

good freakin greaf. let me remind you of few points.
#1 hey Q, what are we doing fot T.G. today? "lblblblblblblblblblblblblblb12 st, nw"

#2 "hey pete, my car caught fire again so i smashed your window"

#3 hey jeff, you daitin ____________? "No" "Does she know?"

At 8:15 p.m., Blogger something witty said...

come on, that was funny and you give me nothin in return


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