Monday, April 24, 2006


Right now at work we are doing some drywalling to a garage, specifically the ceiling. Now, the sheets of drywall are big and heavy, but there is a drywall lift that you can use to put them into place, and it's pretty easy to screw them in, so that's not a big deal. Later, when we paint it, that won't be too much of a problem either. It could be a little awkward, but I've painted ceilings before, and it's not too bad, really. Plus, there has been talk of spraying it instead of the normal brush and roller method of painting, so that's real easy.
Right now, though we are doing the taping and mudding, which is a big pain. Trying to get the mud on smoothly so when you paint it you can't tell where there is mud is tough, plus I'm working above my head, so my arms and shoulders get sore (though less sore than they used to. I'm either gaining muscle or getting nerve damage. Either way, less pain), and my back is really sore. Today I spent the entire day sanding down the second coat of mud so that we could put a third coat on. Tomorrow we finish that and start the fourth and (theoretically) final coat before painting. The fun thing about drywall mud is that it is basically dust held together by force of will, and when you sand it, it loses all will to stay together. By the end of the day I had so much dust covering my face and arms that I seriously looked like an albino, except where the dust mask had been. That was normal coloured, so a kind of pasty white. Seriously folks, I wish I had a camera. But I didn't. Ah well, whatcha gonna do. At least they're paying me.
Go Colorado!


At 3:14 p.m., Blogger something witty said...

i read your blog!


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