Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I may have changed a bit...

In Germany, or at least in the region of Germany in which I lived, it was illegal to shave your head. So I decided to not bother cutting my hair at all.
This is basically how I looked before I left. I think this was taken in October

I then basically decided to become a viking

That's my bedroom in the background, with a door opening up to my bathroom. Y'know, in case you were wondering.

I then shaved the gotee, pausing for a moment to contemplate how I would look as a trucker.

Pretty good, if I do say so myself.

I was impersonating Einstein, I swear!

Or perhaps Kip from Napoleon Dynamite. Or Eric DeBruyn.

And then I shaved it all. Except my head.

It was a long, tough year. That is the only reason I look stoned.

Go Riders!

And now I'm a redhead!

The last picture was taken today. I am now home and relaxing, having enjoyed a weekend camping trip with my brothers and some friends who are basically brothers. In a couple of weeks I'll be back in Calgary.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just so's ya know

Well, I have been back in Canada for four days now, and I'm still tired. And now I am going on a camping trip for four or five days. I'll write more when I get back.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Almost home

I just wanted to brag a little bit. Today I checked into my flight online and I got to change my seat, and I now have the emergency exit seat on my flight from London to Calgary, which means I will have leg room for the entire flight.
Go me :)

Monday, June 09, 2008


Wow, I come home in a week. I'm excited by that, but also a little sad. I'm going to miss the guys here, and having to get another job really isn't all that exciting to me. Ah well. I realised after I started typing that I had nothing to say, really. I thought I did, but then I didn't. Weird. Yet I am still going to post this, just cuz. There will be more to follow, I'm sure.