Thwippin' Awesome!
I have never wanted to see a broadway show more in my life than I want to see this. This is real, it is not a joke or cruel, cruel hoax designed to make me weep. I'm almost speechless.
A random mix of what's happening in my life, and what I think about when I'm not focussed on anything else. And seeing as how I'm rarely focussed on anything at all, this leaves me plenty of time to ponder...
I have never wanted to see a broadway show more in my life than I want to see this. This is real, it is not a joke or cruel, cruel hoax designed to make me weep. I'm almost speechless.
Sometimes I cannot stand the sound of people chewing. It sets me absolutely on edge. Most of the time I'm okay, and if there are other noises going on around me then I can usually tune out the sound. There are days, however, when I have trouble being around people while they are eating. I remember times living at home when it would be all I could do to stay at the supper table while people ate. In my younger years I would try to discretely cover my ears to block the sound, though I'm not sure how easy it is to eat while covering both ears and be subtle about it. No one ever commented, though, so I wonder if I was more successful than I thought. Today my roommate came home and started eating carrots, and I'm now in a bit of a bad mood and feeling very anxious.
I thought I had lost my passport. I was convinced that it had not made it to my current apartment, and I was sorely vexed. I decided that I needed to clean up my room more thoroughly than I had ever cleaned up before, just to find it. I searched my suitcases - no passport. I did find a network cable that had gone missing at some point (possibly when I packed to go to Germany), and my old toothbrush, which had disappeared on my way home. I searched my dresser drawers - no passport. I searched my file box, where I had previously kept it - no passport. I searched the drawer of my bedside table - and found it. I don't remember putting it there, but apparently I had. The funny this was, I had looked there before, poking around the overly fully drawer, curious if it was there. I guess I hadn't been too concerned before because it was right there.
The Candians were the ones who killed Michael Wittmann*. That's right, the Canadians. Boo ya!
Simply mention chemicals and strangers. I just saw an ad for some sort of device that drives off rats and roaches and stuff through supersonic waves sent through the electrical systems. I don't really understand how it works, but that's what they claim. Throughout the ad they mention chemicals and strangers four or five times, emphasising those words especially. It's like they are trying to scare people into believing that the chemicals (e.g. rat poison) that are used are going to kill your children, and the 'strangers' are evil, bad men out to steal your stuff. The product wasn't mentioned as much as it could have been. They also mentioned kids as well, because all strangers and chemicals kill your children. Toothpaste has chemicals. So does children's aspirin. The doctor is a stranger until you have met him. So is your grocer. Stop shopping, eating, or doing anything! Except buying the anti-pest prodcut, of course.
I was reading a Dear Abby column recently written by a mother who was having trouble convincing her grade nine son that he needed to shower after wrestling practice. Abby's advice was to put rules in place and enforce them (i.e. - no supper is served until you shower), which makes sense to me. What I didn't get was the suggestion that he not be given breakfast until he had brushed his teeth in the morning. Why would you brush your teeth right before you eat?
I think that part of the reason people have a negative view of 'the church' is because of how it is portrayed in popular media. For the most part, it is negative - either church is presented as a scam, or it is full of whackos and nut jobs. I don't really have a huge problem with that in that most of the time it is that way for a specific reason for the plot, so it is easy to say that it is just that specific church that is a problem.
It is interesting to me how little people listen to each other when they first greet each other. Usually the listening only begins one or two sentences in (or, for some people, never). My job at the paint store is technically a retail job, so I am greeting people constantly, and I am amazed at how often I have the following exchange:
For the uninitiated, Sean Avery was an NHL player who is best described as troubled. His hockey skills are fairly significant - he wasn't the top player in the league or even among the elite, but he possessed enough skill to belong and to be a major contributor to a team. Part of his game was being a bit of a pest. He would hit and antagonise and fight and generally get under people's skin. That is not necessarily a bad thing, and combined with a scoring touch (which he had), he could be a very valuable player. His problem was that he had very little discipline or self-control. He would push the line, then cross it without seeming regard for the consequences. He would take dumb penalties at inappropriate times. He would push lines that, though not illegal per se, were unsportsmanlike (such as ignoring the play and standing in front of the goalie, waving his stick around - not illegal, but not accepted either).
Another valentines day is coming and I, once again, am single. I should be depressed. I should be bitter. I should be hateful of all of the couples that I know who are all lovey-dovey with each other, making me ill at the very sight.
Tomorrow I go to work for the fifth straight day at the same job, and then after that I get two days off in a row. Next week I will do it again.
I know that I am not good with a camera, or more specifically, I'm not good with remembering to bring my camera. This irritates people who think that when I go on a trip, or attend a wedding or do important stuff like that (live in Germany for a year, perhaps?) I should bring back pictures. Well never fear. On my recent journey east, I managed to get a few pictures that I will now share with you.
I am now back from vacation and thus have recommenced telling the intriguing tale of our heroes Caz and Spin in Fools of us All over on the Grasp the Nettle. I am sure you have all been looking forward to finding out what happens next. I know I have.